Saturday, July 5, 2008
Zi's promise. ^^

Okay, I'm a teacher now. O.o
Wow, I can't believe it. I'm a teacher now. God god god...
Today is my first big day!
I'm handling 6 students. 1 Grade 7, 1 Grade 5, 1 Grade 2, and 3 Beginners.
I guess I should do some introductions about these kids then.
Here goes:
- Lee Zhe Hang (Grade 7)
He's having practical exam in December! So I need to work out more on his scales. He's a pretty quiet boy, 13 years old, and he does know how to dance shuffle. [How do I know that?! He was late for my class because he was attending the shuffle class.. x.x] Overall, his playing is pretty okay.
- Lee Jing Xuan (Grade 5)
She just finishes her Grade 4 practical exam. The sister of our aforesaid Lee Zhe Hang. Again, she's pretty quiet, but serious in learning. I'm pleased. eheheh..
- Han Khai Ching (Beginner)
This little devil is REALLY TALKATIVE, but she's really cute as well! I guess she's around 5 or 6 years old. I will ask her about it next week! She can't even play open notes well, but she loves doing theory, which she calls 'writing'.
- Lee Yong Lin (Grade 2)
He's going to have Grade 2 practical exam in Dec. Er.. His playing is average, and he seems like he doesn't have much patience. I will see to that..
- How Jie Yee (Beginner)
She is pretty sweet and polite. BTW, her playing is pretty good too. Well, she does coughs a lot too. Probably she's not feeling well today, hopefully she will recover soon!
- Wong Jae Hann (Beginner)
I ♥ this kid! He has that really innocent look. [And he should have it. I mean, he's only 7 years old! ^^] Besides, he has bags under his eyes.. I wonder whether he stays up late at night. Nevertheless, his playing is really GOOD, for a beginner. He is already capable to play Grade 2 pieces, and learns really fast. =) That's great!
Whee hee.. So here are my students!!! I think teaching is pretty tiring, but I am glad to have them as my students. At least they are all pretty good!
BTW, this is a good chance for me to get some experience. Huhu!!