Believe it or not, I finish all the episodes today, and I'm going to proceed to 2nd season later. :D
Frankly I don't like the complicated relationship-web in this tv series, but I do like to watch all those characters and those kinda twisted friendships which you can be horrid to each other for this minute and hugging each other the next.
It's pretty interesting after all. :)
At first I plan to go to the pub to listen to Jazz with my China friends, but it is cancelled last minute coz the leader of the group just get himself an adorable bulldog (So he said, lol) and has to fix things for it like where to stay and what to eat.
So he's kinda engaged and suspended the plan.
I'll take pictures of that dog next time when I visit his house. Haha.
I'm starving, and believe it or not, I just get my dinner 5 minutes ago, which is already a quarter past 9.
I hope I have a whole fridge of food in my room, so I don't always need to go out and hunt for food everyday, every meal. X.X
So here's my dinner for today. I'm tired of eating noodles everyday. :DD
I love my hair in the shots. XD
This is it, yes, fattening, I know, but it's much better than noodles for me. XD
It's just like roti canai wrapping up bacon, egg, cucumber and mushrooms.
Delicious. hmm.
It's just like roti canai wrapping up bacon, egg, cucumber and mushrooms.
Delicious. hmm.
Here's the ultimate rival of Coco ----> Come Buy
The shop is just right beside Coco, and you can always see ppl queueing up at both the shops.
Sometimes Come Buy wins, and vice versa. :)
I have to say the name kinda sucks, but it tastes good. XD
Loving my hair. :D
My tee for the day. :)
May I Help You?
Wearing the spec to match the dog. XD
May I Help You?
Wearing the spec to match the dog. XD

Can't help being narcissistic. :D
Kinda miss Jazz music. :(((