:) I won't miss the opportunity to meet my besties in KL! :) I called all of them out, and it feels so good to hang out with them again. :D
Guys, I love you all! T.T
Yingz was the first one to reach. So we went shopping first. :DDDD
Trying out the dress, we chose something almost the same to wear. :DDD

Haha.. I dunno wat am I doing, but Yingz caught me! XD

Me alone. :)

And then I went to another shop, and saw this one side sleeveless top. XDD
I decided to try it out and see how it looked. XDDD
I kept on laughing when I tried it, soooooooooo not like me! ^^
It's kinda nice though. XDDD

^^ I look like a car showgirl. :))))

We went to Kim Gary to have lunch and happily chatting. WE finally met
Andrew!!!!!! Wahahaha.. ^^ Andrew seemed nice enough and cute enough. :DDD
Then they all urged me to choose a dress or something so they could pay for it. They wanted to buy me something. T.T
I went back to get the white dress above and paid myself, coz I didn't want them to pay for me. It wasn't cheap. They still gave me the money though. T.T
Thanks guy! :')
Yingz, Yue and Ying made me cry. :'((((
I tried not to cry, but they hugged me and wished me good luck, I couldn't help it. :'((
Totally heartbroken.
More pictures to come. :) Take care guys! I'll get you all something when I come back! ^^ Muacks~