Today I wore contacts to kindergarten.
And the kids all stared at me like I was a freak and asked,
"Jie Jie, where's ur spec?!""Oowh, I broke it last night when I rolled over it in my sleep."*understanding nods + aaahhss from the kids*I'm a
BIG BIG LIAR. hahahaa.
I brought camera there so I took pictures with some early "birds". Lol.
This one is always the earliest. Lip Pei Tang, nicknamed "Fei Po". [Hahahahaa.]
She's vry vry rough and boyish and always tear me apart with another Fei Gong, Wong Guang Hao. One pulling my left hand and another pulling my right. :'((((

She is Frida, a vry vry sensible kid. :DDD She looks kinda mature too rite?
She likes to smile and holds my hand here and there. XD She's super early too!

Frida took this picture. A good job for a 5-year-old! ^^ The swing is so low and small, see me squeezing in it. :'(

Ahahahahaa! This one is Jin Cheng. He has a vry mature look but he is awfully childish. He likes to generate his POWER and "shoot" it at people like wat Power Rangers do.
There's a mosquito on his forehead!!! :DDDDD

More ppl joining in. The new guy sitting on the swing next to Pei Tang is our dearest
FEI GONG - Wong Guang Hao. Hahahahahaa. The one in black jacket is
Fei Fan and the mischievous looking kid is
Jun Sheng. XD

Alrite, Add in
Jin Cheng and
Wan Ying. Wan Ying and Fei Gong not ready for the photo-shooting session yet. XD

Okay, much better. Why Jin Cheng looks like he's going to cry? Pei Tang why you look so fierce?

Ahahaa. This is the
Around 12pm, Chia Ying came to fetch me to school!
We were going to get our certs signed. You know, those college application thingy..
The annoying thing was all the teachers were having meeting, so nobody was free to help us!!
The clerk told us, "Please come again next time~" :'(((
Anyway, Cheok and Shuh Hong were there!
They hadn't take their PMR result yet. WTH? XD
It had been 2 years okay? So weird they hadn't take it. hahaha.
Nice to see them again!
Cheok dyed his hair. Wow. ^^
3 of us, stuck in the pejabat, doing nothing in particular. Just waiting for Cheok and Shuh Hong. XD

Our 2 posers.

Another 3 posers here. Imagine we actually self taking pictures in Pejabat where the teachers came in and out! AHAHAHAH!

When everything's done, we went to KS to have lunch. Here's a pic with Cheok! ^^

Guess gonna go again next week! XD