That explains my puffy eyes in the pics below.
Bathed and put on some light make up before rushing to the metro station.
Brought both heels and formal flats along just in case the manager let me wear the flats. *praying*
Got a choir work today similar to last time.
At exactly the same company (which is situated outside the city, like 14 stations away from my place.)
Dunno some presidents from which country came, so we have to sing for them. LOL.
Got there around 9 something and was told that we have 2 hours to rest before the guests arrive. So took pictures in the spacious ladies and changed. ^^
My narcissistic camera that only focus on itself. HMPH!
See how it focus JUST on itself? LOL!
Changed into the super crumpled super ugly dress the company provided. T.T
Took pics to let you guys see how ugly it was. T.T
In reality it was more crumpled than this okay.
All of us have to tie up our hair like this. Ish. tak suka tak suka. XD
Snapping around in the VIP lounge while waiting. Borrowed my friend's mirror as a tool.
Teehee! that's my cam and my hand!
Just like last time, a dozens of police cars reached with a few long sleek black cars. And then tons of reporters. Zzzzzzz. They snapped our pictures and we just hope they would stop coz we looked so fugly!!!
End this post with this pic! ^^ Took just now thx to Miki. :)
I actually got tired of sweet stuff. Had too much recently! Today I had Toffee Banana during dinner and just now ate 2 slices of awfully extremely horribly sweet chocolate cakes. T.T Thanks dear Miki for sharing btw. But I swear I'm going to ban desserts from my life!!!!!! (FOR A WEEK) XDDD
School starts tomorrow! Gonna sleep early! Tata~~