Haha.. Just reached home around 9pm.
The bus is early today!
Btw I loveeee UTAMA bus, coz the drivers are much more HUMANE and friendly.
And I HATE transnasional drivers. They're simply cold and heartless robots.
Okay maybe not all of them, but 2 of the drivers dat my family had met were like that.
We requested them to stop for like 2 minutes beside the petrol station coz our house is just right there and then he refused to, he said, "You gimme RM300 only I'll do so. Nanti I kena saman I tak tau la."
Then they just continue driving and only stop like 1km away from my house.
So my dad and my bro had to walk 1km back to my house to get the car and drive 1km back to fetch all of us with tons of our luggages.
Woh soooooo damn annoying.
And the weird thing is both of the drivers said the SAME THING on different days. I think they were trained to say so.
Even one of the Malay passenger in the bus got mad at them and said, "I never heard of the rule of can't-stop-by in my whole life of travelling on buses."
As for UTAMA drivers, they never say anything nasty, they just stop for us and smile.
They never show bothered faces, you tell them where you wanna stop, they'll just stop and even help you to take the luggages down. :)))))
This is what I call Good Service. Dat 2 drivers of Transnasional, tengoklah contoh orang lain ni! Geram betul. :(
Okay okay back to the topic. :) I snapped the pic of my bro's dinner. The fish fillet and potato and salad and fruits.
Despite the fact that the salad looked a bit yellow, it tasted great!
How did I know it? Coz I ate half of it.
I was too hungry. XD

My bro's bone actually broke into 3 pieces, forming a "z" word. O.o
And the piece of the broken bone made his shoulder bulged before the operation.
That must be so painful! Though my bro insisted that it was not. haha..
My uncle said he's just trying to save face. XD
So I'm glad he's okay now! ^^
And he's at home with us now. :)))
I'm tired! Good night peeps~~~ bye!