He went back today, and arrived safely. :)
Something wrong with FB photo uploader. :( The "Select Photos" button wasn't working. So annoying, anyway it brought me here to blog, so maybe it was a good thing too. XD
Or else I would just kept uploading pics, replying photo comments in FB and forget all about my blog. Lol.
The 2nd day! I'm going to record everything following the date. :)
We went to 田子坊 in the afternoon.
I had never been there before, just searched it up on the net about the Must-Go-Places in Shanghai, and it came out to be among the Top 10. Lol.
When we reached, I was totally amazed.
It was far beyond my imagination.
There was no grand entrance, just a very small and ordinary street leading to hundreds of tiny little similar ordinary streets inside.
What was really special about it then?
The peculiar shops and restaurants!! They were beautifully renovated and you should see the price tags. Lol.
It was beautiful, everything inside. It was the assortment of the old streets of Shanghai with the modern city's vitality. Totally amazing. :)
Spotted. Thai Restaurant on one of the little streets. :)
Check out the streets. :)
We wandered deep into the area, and someone was talking loudly from one of the buildings, so I got curious. XD
At one of the bars. :) Just posing.
Everyone stopped to take pics here! :D
The flowers were breathtakingly beautiful.
Walk walk walk...
I found Bahasa Malaysia here! LOL. HARI RABU! :DDD
Tired of walking... Heading to the next destination. :)
Picture taken in the taxi. ^^
Next stop was 城隍庙! The place wowed us the moment we stepped down from the taxi. :D
The buildings were exquisite. :DDD
Expo stuff was scattered everywhere. Lol.
The huge dragon ship. :D
He copied my pose! LOL!
Golden fish hanging in midair. :)
O.o advertising pose? :D
We bought the fried crab. I didn't know how to eat actually, I just eat the coat of flour outside. XD
Building on the water! :DD my favourite!
You can take pictures inside, wearing the traditional Chinese costumes. :D
OMG, this building was one of the most beautiful edifice I had ever seen!
On the bridge. :)
We snapped like about 50 plus pics of ourselves and got only like 2 or 3 decent ones. XD