Huhu~~~~ Yesterday was Hui Ling's birthday!!!
She's from Indonesia, and she's my age. :)))))
Tadaaaaa... Hui Ling and the tasty fruit cake. ^^
Jiun Hui bought the cake but too bad she couldn't attend the lunch birthday party coz something came up.
So Tar & I went to get the cake and hid it in the restaurant's fridge. :D
At first everyone thought there was no cake, and I could see disappointment flashed through Hui Ling's face. XD
Anyway Maggie, Tar and I went and got the cake out when the lunch was almost over, with the pretext of going to the washroom. ^^
Our plan worked!!! Wuhuuu! ^^
Hui Ling's happy~~~
Group pic without Maggie. She was the photographer.

This time, with Maggie, but without Shiany. XD
No choice, coz the waitress there didn't know how to use DSLR.
Owh yea, the 2 girls beside Hui Ling were Chinese pianists, her classmates. ^^ They were very nice. :)
And on the very right was Fang Fang. :D

So yea, happy birthday dear! ^^