Went for violin class around 1pm, sweating like a pig. T.T
Photostated theory notes for RMB70!!!
There're like 200 plus pieces of paper, but still........ it's really expensive!!!
My only consolation was chatting with the 2 friendly aunts there. :DDD
Learned some Shanghai local language from them.
"Kat3 Zi4" means “卡纸”, but with a different pronunciation. Follow the number I wrote to pronounce it. :D
I learned dat word coz the stupid photostating machine kept on breaking down and got stuck with papers.
Everytime it happened, aunt would yell, "KAT ZI!!!!"
Met up with Xing Zhu after I settled the room rent. :)
She requested to come up to my room coz my room had AIR-COND! :DDD
She was totally roasted alive, she said. XD
Her hair was kinda a mess today.
An idea suddenly popped up in my mind, "Hey honey, can I try out some stuff I learn from internet on your hair?"
She just had to say yes! XDDDDD
Xing Zhu's webcam quality wasn't so good though. Lol.. but it's okay~

Lol.. This is my own design.
Nice??? I ♥ it. :)))

Learned this online. XD ahaha.. It's not a braid although it might look like one. :D
This is the funniest!
I kept laughing when I took the pictures.
I just suddenly thought of this coz I want to braid my name out.
As you can see, "X" for Xixi! :DDDDDDDDDD
Nice pictures huh? Taken by me! XD

Even though it looked kinda ridiculous from the back, the front view was actually quite nice~~ :DDD
My masterpiece? :D
Wheeee~ My dear honey~~~
Lol.. Pictures of Xixi, the hair stylist.
I didn't do anything fancy to my hair today, just simply tied it up. :D
I'll wait for it to get longer to do more stuff with it. :DDDD
Side view. LOL. Kinda funny~ XD
We went out to Kong Sifu's Restaurant to have our dinner! :D
Honey with her famous emo+pouting look. XD
What I ate today! :D Beef sesame rice! Delicious! :D
I think the rice looked really cute with sesame on it! XDDD
I'm going to work really hard these days!
Busy busy busy!!!!
Good night peeps! :)