Accompany Miki to try out manicure today! ^^
She was given a brochure a few days ago when she was walking on the street and the price printed was pretty reasonable so she got interested! ^^
I didn't want to do it coz I have short nails and I need to practise violin. Gonna be quite a waste of money for me. XD Anyway, I'm happy to tag along to see the process!
The manicure shop was just about walking distance from our hostel. It was pretty dainty and the workers there were really friendly too. :D
Tried out the long socks today, very Japanese-style. Haha. Miki suggested it. :D Not bad!
Haha.. spot the man on the bike!
Bling bling stuff to put on the nails. LOL. but we felt cheated coz it was actually pretty expensive. Like one piece of little blingbling thing for RMB5. And the bigger one will be RM15 or RM20 EACH. =.='''
The clock that reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. LOL. That was the time we got there! :D

Cute stuff to put on the nails!

The steps!
No 1: Shape the nails.
No 2: Dip the fingers in warm water to soften the skin.
No 3: Clear away the dead skins.
No 4: Put on nail polishes and blingbling!

Miki chose the dark purple colour. And since the blingbling stuff were kinda expensive. So Miki just requested for a little Mickey shape. Coz Mickey for Miki! LOL!
The end result. We were a lil disappointed, coz if we want the pretty manicure, we have to pay a lot. so only can try out the simple one. T.T Anyway I think it's indeed a very relaxing process. We spent 2 hours there!
Our next stop was Xu Jia Hui. We spotted this super gorgeous edifice right opposite of the mall we went. OMG, can you believe this castle-like building is actually a SECONDARY SCHOOL?
Had our lunch at Donut King. And the weird thing? I had hotdog sandwich there instead of donut! LOL! Just don't feel like eating sweet things for main meals. XD And coincidently there was such a hotdog sandwich promotion in the donut kingdom. So tried it out! Yum! :D
Super hearts the Hello Kitty shop with this awfully cute entrance!
One of my fav shops: Teenie Weenie! :D
Credits to Miki for taking pics for me! Muacks!
There was a super pervertic guy stalking us when we were window shopping. UGH!
He was a short stout man in his early thirties, I guess. He started to follow right behind us and cooing "pretty girl, pretty girl..." with a really disgustingly twisted smile on his face.
We were pretty scared at first but in the end I got annoyed, coz he simply followed us around and repeating that stupid words and that was awfully disturbing!
My tired eye bags. T.T