Had breakfast with him and then took off to Kuantan afterwards.
See me getting so hyper in the car, excited!
He was focusing on the road. ^_^ He got used to me kacau-ing all the time beside him when he was driving anyway~ XD
^_^ We headed straight to the cinema once we arrived at Kuantan and picked Resident Evil: Afterlife.
We wanted to watch 3D version but it was already full except some vacant seats at the very front row, so in the end we were contented with 2D.
I didn't know about the storyline at all since I didn't watch its previous movies. I expected it to be some action stuff, no big deal.
I was like "wat?" when I saw those gruesome zombie faces flashing in front of me, tearing ppl into pieces and blood splashing around like watermelon juice.
Hmm.. Let's sum it up. I got pretty scared throughout the movie. Hating the zombie and bloody scenes every minute, but deciding it wasn't TOO scary so I could still sit and endure it.
Haha. Anyway I really think Alice is cool, like awesomely cool. :) She's so pretty too!
And Claire is a great fighter as well. I like it! Woman fighters!
Super gorgeous Alice. :)

Bought a webcam with mic and also a harddisk casing from my bro. :DDD
Had dinner at my bf's house. YUMYUM! Auntie's dishes are too tasty for words! ^^ She even let me try to fry the vegetables. Haha. Turned out it didn't taste too bad, still reserving the authentic vege taste. Thumbs up for me? XD
Okay actually I just put the ingredients auntie had prepared and tossing it here and there until it was cooked. XDDDDDDD More credits for auntie!!! ^^
Got home around 9pm, taught my mom how to use FB and msn, and how to video call me. LOL.
Super funny!
It was an awesome day! ^^
Good night ppl~ :D