We departed around 9.30am. It was such a perfect weather!!! The sky has never been bluer. I don't even feel like I'm in Shanghai anymore! It is a really different sensation! :DD

At the school gate before entering. :) It's the fall now. The golden leaves are really beautiful.

The corridor full of flags from different countries. :)

And wow! There's even rock-climbing! (is it wat it's called? XD) Really cool whehhh!

And the funniest game of all! Is the time of REVENGE! :D The teacher will sit there and wait to be "executed" by the students. While each student get 3 chances to throw a wet sponge at him! Whoever hits the teacher's head will get a present! XDDDDDD THIS IS SOOO FUN!
And when the student missed the target, the teacher provoked him/her by yelling, "What?? You're soooo useless!!! TRY AGAIN!" Hahahaha!!

OMG we spotted Harry Potter's little brother there as well!!!! Super adorable lil boy with a forever-smiling face!!!

Guess you guys are wondering why I say he's Harry Potter's little brother. XDD Wait till you see the next pic! Btw I love his Pooh hat! XD

Tadaa!!! Spot the scar on his forehead? XD Just like Harry Potter's! OMG we were all melted when we saw him. SOOOOO SUPER DUPER CUTE. Undescribable. XD

We continued our tour into the building. X'mas deco and lots of hampers to win! XD

There was a well-decorated place specially for anyone who was interested to take a x'mas picture with the santa! A professional photographer was there to help! XD

Pauline got us a niceeeeee cotton candy in the shape of a....... tree? XD Group picture before we tackled it! XD

There were lots of booths with really fun stuff too! Here's the booth of Boys Club. Face Painting!

Me looking hyper. That's Pauline and Fang Fang at the back!

With Pauline the wonderful mom! (Her 2 kids are studying in that international school btw!) :D

A x'mas carol presented by the school teachers! ^_^

And the school choir! :)

Lol... Do you know that this x'mas candy house is actually something DIY? You can get them in pieces and then put them together yourself! Though highly recommended NOT to let the kids do it, coz they'll end up eating up the candies before the house is complete! XD

All of us were totally famished after the long tour. Then Paulina saw Krispy Kreme Donut!!! We immediately got half a dozen and shared! It's one of the yummiest donuts I've ever tried! So peeps, try to see if there's any Krispy Kreme donut in M'sia! :)

Paulina the ferocious donut eater! LOL! Krispy Kreme is her all-time-fav! XD

We left the school around 1 something in the afternoon. A picture before leaving!

Really love this pic! It really captures the whole Western feel of the place. :) See the sky is soooo blue!

The view of the school and school field.. AND... HOT GUYS PLAYING SOCCER! LOL!

LOL.. Then Fang Fang appeared! And I was shocked to see my prince turned into a princess! AHAHAHA. Btw a kid did asked Fang Fang "Are you a girl?" in the International school that morning! LOL.. Coz the children's rule is boys should always have short hair and girls with long hair! XDDD