Put on a WHOOPS! I'M SOOO SOWWIE! face as the starter of this post. LOL!
11/12/2010 was Miki's performance night! She had started learning singing when she came over to Shanghai in September. And she joined in the Year End Concert of Parson's Music School! :D
She looked gorgeous in her white dress that night and her singing was a blast! :)))
The whole bunch of international friends in our hostel went to support her! Teehee.. And then we decided to continue the fun by going to Karaoke! :D
I didn't have my dinner yet and was delighted to find out that there was buffet in the Karaoke! YES! XDDD
Picture showing Jiun Hui busy gobbling down food until someone had to distract her by sticking chopsticks into her nose. OMG! XD
Xing Xing and the very matching red top and red mic! ^_^ So Christmassy!
Didn't set the right mode so pictures became too bright. XD
A portion of the crazy crowd, not too crazy yet coz everyone was still trying to act nice. Haha.
I got hold of Jeremy's wonderful camera and ushered Miki out to the brightly-lit corridor for a little photoshooting session! XDDDD Credits to Miki for these pictures below! Lol. I'm not ready yet.
Candid. XD Was running towards Miki when she took this.
Wore 2 layers of socks. It was really cold out there. The socks were supposed to be mud colour but I wore black as the inner layer so turned out blackish mud. Haha.
Miki rejoicing after her earlier performance! XD
Trying to sit on it but in vain. LOL.
I likey! Why am I looking so shy here. =.=''' Hahaha~
Then we realised they were getting crazier inside! XDD
I became the paparazzi of the night since I got a super awesome camera in my hands. :D It was totally my basic instinct. XD I guess I'm born to take pictures. XD
A rare pic of me sitting in the crowd. XDDD Credits to Jeremy. :)
Miki looked sweet in this dress! :DD
Yes~ Finally I got the mic! XD
They were warming up and getting hyper! XDD Xing Xing singing "Love The Way You Lie" and swayed with the music! Go Xing Xing! :DDD
Hahaha! And Fang Fang & Paulina took care of the rapping parts!!! :D OMG sooooo super funny all of us laughed like crazy. XDDD
Tar was always trying to get into the picture when I asked Miki to take a picture for me. And then he would accused us "Hey!! Why do you guys take my picture! I know I'm very handsome, but I need privacy!" LOL.... =.=''' Haihhhhhhhh. XDDDDD
Lawrence proven to be the greatest male singer of the night! Paulina easily took all the female candidates down by showing us her fabulous operatic singing skill when she sang "The Phantom Of The Opera". It was so good I could feel my goosebumps. =DD
Jiun Hui who was supposed to be doing her assignments that night was forced and pulled into the taxi and sent to the Karaoke. She struggled in vain, and now she gave up and enjoyed herself tremendously singing Cantonese songs! XDDD
Mr Jeremy the Photographer happily choosing the songs coz I took over his paparazzi job. XD
Xing Xing took these for me! Thanks darling. :DDD Eh eh~ I can see my reflection in the tv screen with Gu Ju Ji. XD What's his English name ha? XD