After sending my cpu to Kuantan for the hundredth times, I finally gave in and decided to get a new cpu.
Lol, not me actually, MY DAD finally gave in. XD He's the one paying anyway.
So now I'm happily using my new cpu which is so much faster than the old one!
Anyway, I still have to do
internet diagnostic everytime I switch it on.
The Streamyx ppl called and told me the fact that I kept disconnected wasn't their site's problem, it was my
own computer's problem. Lol.
So yea, now since I got a new cpu, things are better! Especially the internet, much to my delight. Eheheh.

Yesterday night, I went to Kuantan's RTM hall to watch the show for Da Ai's channel. Coming along were my mum, another teacher and her 2 children, a guy and a girl.
One of them was 14 and another 11, they are soooooo quiet but I liked them all the same.
They were very nice, just wasn't that comfortable with strangers. :D
I loved the hall, it was very showy and the lightings and sound system were awesome. ^^
I managed to snap a pic from my seat and was planning to start snapping when the show started when someone announced that taking pics and recording were prohibited during the show. :'(((

The hall was totally full that night.
At first I'm not very enthused in watching it, before I got there, I mean.
I kinda feared that it'll be those
super boring lectures about Buddhism.
Not that I don't like Buddhism or the lectures, just that I hate to sit there, dozing away. :(
Things turned out to be great. :)))) It was exactly a show!
The MC was super good, she got a really beautiful voice and impeccably perfectly fluent chinese.
Owh, and she's from Taiwan. ^^
She shared the interesting programmes available in the Da Ai's channel and some very very intriguing real-life stories.
There were 2 singers from Taiwan, a duet, which was "南方二重唱".
They were named the most beautiful voices in Taiwan, which was incredibly true. Their voices blended in perfectly. OMG, I hope Malaysia got someone like them. T.T
So the night ended with endless applause. My mum signed up for the channel afterwards and we got home around 11 something.
AND THEN, I onlined until 2 something. Ahahahah.
So yea, I skipped school today! ^^ LOL!