:D Actually today what I had planned is just a nice simple ice-cream eating afternoon, but got my aunt's call around 10 in the morning, and everything changed.
She said she gonna pick me up when she reached Shanghai, I had waited until afternoon, but in the end uncle was busy so cancelled the outing. :(
At first I thought the day gonna be wasted, and then, I got a text from Astghik, my lovely Armenian friend who lived just a floor below my room. :D
I went to her room and chit chatted with her.
She was fun and so lovely, and she treated me a lot of Armenian goodies. XDDD
There was something that looked like sausages but actually were some kinda sweets, and a few things more. :)
They tasted good, but too bad I didn't take pics. XD
We chatted like around 2 hours? Finally we decided to go to Barbie shop and have our dinner after the trip. :) Astghik hadn't been to Barbie before, and I did want to go there badly as well. So yea we changed our clothes and were on our way in 20 minutes.
The moment we got to the 2nd floor of Barbie, I realised they had changed the arrangements in it. Like the girl's garments altered to the 3rd floor and the kids' department switched to the 2nd. It was still super nice anyway. :)))
As you can see behind me, they sell Barbie bedsheets as well. :DDD
And Barbie plastic swimming pools. O.o
Uhm yea, the staircase from the outside. XD
And there were some huge Barbie models.
I was kinda worry I might topple it off, see how I held to it. XD
Trying to pose like them. XD
Lol. Here's Astghik! Or we just call her Xing Xing. :)
Coz Astghik means stars in Armenian. ^^
Haha.. she's really pretty. :)
And of coz, my fav place to take pics, the staircase!!!!
I love this pic of Astghik, she looked so natural and pretty.
Here's me! XDDD
Well sorry it's slightly yellowish.
Though I still love them very much. hahaha.
Then we went up to the 3rd floor by the staircase.
And this was where the doll collections were!
Haha.. our pic together. :))
That's her camera, PINK! :DDD
Checking out the pretty collection.
Haha.. Tadaa..
Kiss for the dog. XD
Lol. I dunno why I point at it. XD
What are you looking at, dude?
Actually we couldn't take pics here, it's some sort of a gallery, I dunno.
Anyway, since the ppl's kinda late to warn us so we managed to snap a pic.
Wahahhaa.. This is funny!!! :D This is another new thing in Barbie.
haha.. my face looked weird in dat hole. XD
Xing Xing and her prince. XDDD
Haha.. this is sooo cute. XD Like Marilyn Monroe. XD Sorta. ^^
After we put our heads through the holes, we would have to slither down from the slide. :DD
MAN we were like kids! Hahaha.
And we got to the Barbie Runway! :DDD
Great pose Astghik! ^^
And my turn to pose. XDD
A bit too faraway. lol.
Closer. :)
This is so candid I love it! :DDDDD
I snapped it anyway. XD
I snapped it anyway. XD
haha.. I was jumping, I swear, but dunno why my legs were like sticking to the floor. =.='''
Alright enough, no more jumping, let's just stick to posing. XD

We were in the lift. :D
See? Even the lift is nice. XDDD
See? Even the lift is nice. XDDD

She's really photogenic I must say. :)))
After the Barbie trip, we walked all the way back to Fen Yang Road and then turned right to go to Citizen to have our dinner! :)))
Citizen was a very special place that was decorated mostly in red.
The lights, the candles, the sofas, most of them were red in colour.
And the foreigners just love going there.
It's a combination of a bar and a restaurant, and it served Sze Chuan cuisine.
While we were waiting to be seated.

I was trying to conjure something out of the candlelight. Duh. XD
Finally yay! We got our seats! XDD
See how nice the atmosphere was?? :)))
I was holding the red lil cup with a candle inside.
See how nice the atmosphere was?? :)))
I was holding the red lil cup with a candle inside.
The food we had. :DDD
Beef with mushroom.
Beef with mushroom.
Gu Lou Yuk. Everyone knows la.. This one. XD
Vege with noodles?
Okay I forgot the name.
Okay I forgot the name.
It was an awesome day! :DDDD
Next week we might go some place else, and it gonna be fun. :)
Can't wait!!!!!
Good night ppl!
ps: I spent like 3 hours trying to blog about this. T.T the pics are too hard to upload. =.='''