Same bosslady, same products, but different place and role. LOL.
This time I'm not working as the salesgirl but play the violin instead. :DDD
I really love the gig venue this time! The Business Park Club, very very classy and cosy place! The weather was fine today, so the sun shone in and made everything looked cheery! :DDD
I reached early so I helped with the arrangement of the products since I had experience of it last time.
Got to know a very very dolly sister, Sandy, who was there helping as well! :DD
I seemed to be having 1 leg in this pic. SCARY. XD
This time I'm not working as the salesgirl but play the violin instead. :DDD
I really love the gig venue this time! The Business Park Club, very very classy and cosy place! The weather was fine today, so the sun shone in and made everything looked cheery! :DDD
I reached early so I helped with the arrangement of the products since I had experience of it last time.
Got to know a very very dolly sister, Sandy, who was there helping as well! :DD
I seemed to be having 1 leg in this pic. SCARY. XD
Can you believe that she's 27 this year? I thought she's just 21! :DDD
Very bright and pollyannaish dining place. :)
The event started aroun 1pm something. I changed into my black dress and started playing while Sandy snapped pictures of me. :) Thanks dear!
The weather suddenly turned cold so I wore my batty jacket. XD There was this cute little 5-years-old Korean girl that came and started chatting with me. She spoke perfect Chinese and the way she talked was just like an old woman, so mature omg! XDDD She kept on trying to pluck my violin strings and I was like "NOOOOO THAT'S MY TEACHER'S VIOLIN!!!" Luckily my bosslady came over and helped me to stop her. T.T