Tuesday, June 29, 2010


WHEEEE, teacher said I improve A LOT in my playing! XDDD

I'll work harder to be better! :DDDD

Learn this from a website. :)
Super simple but nice. ^^

My room's smelling of Lavender right now! :DD
Thanks to this.
Now I love stepping into my room and welcome the sweet fragrance that creeps slowly up to me. :)

As my title said: THIS POST IS RANDOM! :D
I promised Ebby to edit some pics of us together. :DDDDDD
Here you go Ebby dear! Ahahahhaa...
This is just hilarious!
I added a hip hop cap for her summore. XD

Ekhem ekhem.. I'm quite proud of myself for this one. :))))
It looks quite natural and if you do observe closer I even edit the head on the upper right. ^_^
It was a screen displaying the performers actually. :D

Just called the Babela's Delivery. The man answering the phone sounded really polite and nice.
And he called me back a minute ago, telling me that there was some problems so my delivery would probably be delayed for 10 to 20 minutes.
The Man: So is it okay miss?
*I didn't know why I answered so bluntly but what I said just popped out rightaway. XD*
Me: But I am hungry.
The Man: *Stunned for 5 seconds... Tried not to laugh* Ow....... Okay.. I'll try to make it quicker for you. Ok?
*I can actually "hear" him smiling over there. LOL*
Me: Ok. Thanks..
The Man: Welcome... Enjoy your meal.. Bye...
Me: Bye...
I'm really FREAKING hungry now. :'(
Delivery comes sooner!

Groupie + Dinner. ♥

Went to the dinner organised by the Advanced-Study Group. :))))
My big brothers and sisters.
Jiun Hui and I are the only younger ones. ^^

They sang throughout the dinner, and we played some very funny games.
Most of them are studying singing btw, so they love singing very much. :)
Everyone was requested to sing a song from their hometown tonight, so Jiun Hui and I sang Rasa Sayang. XDDDDDDD LAME.

Owh yea, got a guy sang Vitas's song too! WOW. He's GOOD. :)))))))
We had fun cheering and singing as loudly as we could. :D

Pictures taken!
This is the super cute sister!!!
She's loud and funny!

The 2 cute sisters, Brother Sheng, Jiun Hui and me! :DDD
There were a lot more ppl but didn't have time to take pictures with all of them.
We were too busy singing and cheering. XD

Drank half a glass of beer. Lol.
I'm not a beer person, but still need to join in the crowd sometimes, you get what I mean. :)
Btw, just helped Han Sian to customize his blog layout. :)) Huhu..
It's nice to see everyone's blogging. :)
I was munching on the Hershey's chocolate bar when I was editing the blog layout.
When I was done, OMG, my just realise my whole palm was stained with chocolate!
Mindless me. XD
Finished the whole bar, I think I'm a lil bit chocolate over-dosed right now. :DDDDD
Gonna go sleep now! Love you guys~ Ciao~