Not going to type much, coz I'm too drowsy. :)
It was an awfully eventful day. Just planned to go to the Insect Museum but ended up going to 3 places in a day.
Had lunch with friends at
Hanako's.Here's the pretty
Yurina from Osaka! :D She's 23 this year. Love her smile! ^^ Veryyyy veryyyyy cute girl. :)

Went back to hostel to change right after lunch and took off to Lu Jia Zui around 2pm plus by taking the subway. There were 6 of us,
Guys: Hirai, Lawrence, Tar; Girls: Ellen, Miki & me.
Credits to Lawrence and his great camera for this awesome pic! :DDD I was totally in love with the weather. :)

Credits to Hirai for this cute pic! :DDD Although the whole building isn't in the picture, but I really love how happy the 3 of us looked in this pic! :D Thanks Hirai!

Walk for 10 minutes and got to our destination of the day! :D

Pics taken in the museum.

I can't see its eyes... can't see its eyes...

Rabbits! Yay!

OMG somebody tells me what's its name!!! So cute!

Illegal feeding? Haha.. nahh.. just trying to attract its attention using my ticket while taking the pic.

Huge guinea pigs! ^^

Funny goldfish with cute mouth shape. O.o


This is the most beautiful butterfly in the world -
Morpho Cypris. Click to enlarge.

Came out of the museum around 4pm something. Nothing much to see inside actually, except for a lot of different tortoises, snakes and reptiles. Nothing much cute stuff so I didn't take pics of them. HAHA! I'm so biased. XD
Reflection in the windows...

Stopped by at the mall to get some drinks. There was a Thai thing outside the mall, quite pretty! ^^

We walked for another 5 minutes and reached Bin Jiang Da Dao! :D Awesome view there. Miki and Ellen were so hyper! ^^

Some drawings by the roadside artist. OMG. :D

The artist drew spontaneously! :D

Thanks Lawrence for taking these awesome pics! He had practiced photography before, that's why he was good at it. :)

The guys who didn't really like to take pics of themselves. L to R: Lawrence, Hirai, Tar.

My camera again. :)

It was getting kinda warm so we decided to get some ice cream from Mc D! :D I got the strawberry topping and Miki got her Pineapple's. :)

There's the Mc D booth behind. :D

My face when I see
FOOD or SWEET STUFF. :D Owh yes.

It was just 5 something and everybody still felt reckless and adventurous. So we continued our day to Tian Zi Fang. :D They loved the place tremendously! :DDD
Super envy Lawrence's camera. It's Sony too btw. So I take back what I said about Sony camera sucks. Just MY Sony camera sucks. Sob. :'(

This foreign toddler had a pair of mesmerizing large eyes! His dad played with him when Lawrence snapped this. Father's love for the son!

I...... don't know what am I doing. Pardon me...

There are always surprises in Tian Zi Fang! :D You can always see cuteness EVERYWHERE!

Computer Aided Painting and the painter. Not really sure how it works. O.o

Looks very much like a real photograph itself.

Love the stairs! :DDD

I want a collection of dolls and toys. Like this. :)

Amazing design of a fan. All the famous buildings in Shanghai! Can you see? :DDD It was RMB1200 or RMB1600. I forgot. O.o!!!