Finally something interesting today! ^^ Got a wedding gig at a hotel, it was Martin's teacher's wedding. (Just in case you dunno who's Martin, he's Kevin. He changed his name to Martin. Ish.. =.=''' He thinks Kevin sounds too sissy, so yea.)
Met Miki's dad today! ^^ He came over to Shanghai for some errands and took some stuff for Miki. At first I was to have lunch with him and Miki but too bad I already got this gig coming up so couldn't go. T.T
Miki's dad looked really strong and muscular. WOW. hahaha. And he was good looking! :DDD The best thing? He was sooo sooo soo friendly! :DDD
Dengken wasn't with us today. He got some orchestra practice at school. So another guy took his place as the 1st violinist. And omg he looked exactly like 黄晓明!
Like reallyyyyy alike. O.o Anyway it's nice to know some new friends. Lol.
We were greeted warmly by the bride and bridegroom and we immediately started playing right after I changed into my dress.
My first time wearing this dress I bought last time at Su Zhou! Teehee! I really love it! the effect and colour was really awesome! Sorry my stupid camera couldn't really catch it.
Anyway, didn't take much pics coz we already got a professional wedding photographer snapping our pics and we took group pics with the wedding couple afterwards too. Now just need to wait for Martin to get the pictures from him. Perhaps next week. Lol.
So now just some pictures from my camera in the ladies before going home.
Got home around 7pm. :) Snapped more pics. :)
Owh yea, we got some snacks given by the bride! Yay! :) Very pretty! Cookies and chocs. :)
And Martin gave me this. Lol. He got some souvenirs for his friends after a trip from Hai Nan. Nice that he got this for me! :DDD Very cute cat trapped in a bottle. It looked kinda miserable though. XD