It was snowing today!!! Just a little bit of it, and it lasted for half an hour or so, but I was so super excited!! It is the very first time I see snow in real life! It's sooooo very beautiful! I didn't expect the snow, you see. I was in one of the studios practising, and then I saw some white stuff falling down out of the window. Then I was thinking who was so bad throwing down stuff upstairs, and when I saw clearly, it was something like raining, but the speed was slower. Small cotton balls were falling slowly down to the ground and some even flew up again because of the wind. OMG, it's totally amazing. ^^ Then I immediately took the lift down to the groud floor to see it for real, and I met a China friend in the lift. She asked me where was I going, I said, "To watch the snow!" And she laughed!! Haha...
And in the evening, I went out with my roommate, Jiun Hui to buy some winter stuff, like ear-phone thing to protect the ears and gloves. When we were on our way back, 2 ladies from France came up to us and asked, "Do you speak English?"
When we said yes, they asked, "Do you know where's the sexshop?"
At first I thought they asked something else, like Sake shop or what. Coz nobody ever ask that type of question la! And their accent's a bit funny, like sexshop they pronounced as sakeshop.
Anyway, we finally got it when they said, "The shop that sells adult toys." It happened that we came across one sexshop before just behind the place we lived, so we asked them to follow us. LOL. So we got them there and they exchanged numbers with us just in case they wanna find us out or something. That was a pretty special experience! Haha..
So here're some animation I made!! Enjoy!! Haha...
Put all the animations. (Dear, dun use the image uploader o! Coz it'll convert them into still pictures. Just copy the url and use that img src! ^^ MUACKS!)