The sister who asked me to join her in this gig was a really sweet senior of mine! ^_^ Hearts her lots!!! Though yesterday was actually our first time to actually meet up and talk. We usually just say hi and smile to each other in school when we meet but never once have a good talk.
We got there early and I realised that she was a picture-lover like me too! So we ended up snapping pictures there! There were lots of really awesome x'mas deco.. wheeheee! :D
Very pretty mini x'mas tree! ♥♥♥
Here's Lis! :) Her name is Li Si Le but I like to call her Lis. XDD Really hearts her eyes! They were so curvy like cartoons' eyes! :D
We went into Ritz Carlton hotel to take picture as well! Spotted the really huge x'mas tree in the middle soooooo pictures! XD
At the gate of the Palladio restaurant. :)
We changed into our gowns. Pictures snapped before the gig started! See! Her eyes are curvy! XD
grin grin.. I like this pic. XD
Very tired but satisfying day! :) Owh yea, got this really cute pen from the subway station. LOVE IT! X'mas is coming everyone!!! HOHOHO!!!