Called Yingz out to hang out again and to get moreeeee TLAB (The Last Air Bender) series from her! :DDD
As soon as she got online, Ms Yingz projected such joy that I thought she had finally breathed oxygen after locking up in a hydrogen tank for a week. LOL.
Blame it all on the sucky line in her house, but this is Malaysia, what can we expect? *roll eyes*
Lol. This overjoyed & hyperventilated girl immediately tended to her poor sickly pet with the "dying" status in FB and got so embroiled. I needed to call her name a few times to get her attention. XDD
Btw she got a new camera! A pink Lumix! :) I tried it out immediately and hey, it's wayyyyyy better than my stupid Sony.
Sony sucks big time. :(((( Especially the flash. You'll look sooooo ghostly you will wonder "since when I become so ugly".
However her Lumix's flash worked wonders. I stared goggle-eyed at the flashed pictures of her cam. Why in the world... oh why why why, my stupid cam didn't work that way? Sucky!!
As soon as she got online, Ms Yingz projected such joy that I thought she had finally breathed oxygen after locking up in a hydrogen tank for a week. LOL.
Blame it all on the sucky line in her house, but this is Malaysia, what can we expect? *roll eyes*
Lol. This overjoyed & hyperventilated girl immediately tended to her poor sickly pet with the "dying" status in FB and got so embroiled. I needed to call her name a few times to get her attention. XDD
Btw she got a new camera! A pink Lumix! :) I tried it out immediately and hey, it's wayyyyyy better than my stupid Sony.
Sony sucks big time. :(((( Especially the flash. You'll look sooooo ghostly you will wonder "since when I become so ugly".
However her Lumix's flash worked wonders. I stared goggle-eyed at the flashed pictures of her cam. Why in the world... oh why why why, my stupid cam didn't work that way? Sucky!!
Obviouslythis picture was snapped using my Sony. So super dull and dark. :(
Btw that's her new cam! :) Loveyyy~ :)
And this, mind you, was taken by her cam. See the vast difference?
The colour, lighting, EVERYTHING! T.T
Owh yea, I'm having this pink fever today, so my lappy's pink, my Rose & Lemon Feel drink's so dreamily pink and I'm wearing a pink top! XD
This was pretty candid, I was talking to Yingz, which explained the open-mouthed look. XD
Here's Yingz's 3 Colours Tea. Not bad! ^_^
And her yummy-looking bread with eggs!
Grin grin~ :D Check out the wooden bench. :)
And here's the Tom Yam Mihun I ordered!!!
I would have to give a thumb-down for it. :( It's too sweet! Sour and Sweet and NOT SPICY. What kind of Tom Yam is that? :(
Me looking happy BEFORE eating it. LOL.
Despite my aggressive disfavour for Sony cameras, I love my Sony Vaio lappy. :DDD
Coz it's pink and it's pretty to bring around! XD
My juicy-couture-styled bracelet! Made in Korea. XD
She moved opposite me so we could charge our lappies. :) Random snaps of her! ^_^
^_^ Love this pic!
Major camwhore with Yingz! :DDDD

Slightly askew kissing pic. XD That's why the love was smaller, tak cukup power. XD
Haha! :D Yes!!! Our love go strong! XDD Teeheee!!!!! Yingz, why you looked so reluctant har? XDDDD
2mr's the camp! :DDDD Owh yes yes yes! Will have more pictures! :)
Till then!!! Buai~~