Here's the Gate No. 2 of the World Expo! XD
Jac & I waited for Jose to get passes for us to get in.
Pics while waiting. XD

The moment we got in, we had to undergo some check-out procedures, no water was allowed, just like in the airport. O.o
My poor bottle of mineral water got confiscated. :((((
After we got passed, it was another world in side.
Cool.There were actually
subway, buses and ferries inside the World Expo.
Well, the expo area was actually a
city itself, a peculiar city fulled of funny and fascinating building, extremely clean and beautiful. :D
I was totally enchanted.
The only thing was there were too many things to see, and a long way to walk. So better prepare some comfortable shoes when you come to the Expo, my piece of advice. XD
We got straight to the stage area led by Jose.
The stage was huge, like those Jay Chou's concert kinda stage la. haha.
And there were 2000 seats down there.
Before rehearsal. XD Jac.

Me. Wahahha.. Jac said my legs looked damn look in this pic. XD

Huge stage.
That's Benjamin btw. XD
He's the violist.

In the toilet.

Amazing visual effects. XD
That's Tele at the back. She's the double bassist.
Actually her name is Maritase something.
It's very very hard to pronounce.
So in the end she just asked me to call her Tele for short. XD

Another visual effect. XDD
Meteors came shooting down. :D

This is Antonio's instrument - the Synthesiser.
Super cool man. XD
Their band's name is Positron. ^^

Funny Benjamin with handmade boobs! XD

In the underground dressing room.
We changed. ^^

Ngahahaha... Actually I oso dunno why I have to dress up, coz I'm just being the translator, I won't be performing on stage, but Antonio insisted, so yea. XD

:D :D :D

My fatty face~

Jac preparing to go on stage.

The concert started!

It was a great night!!! Super tired but fulfilling. :DDDD
Next 2 days will be the same too!
Too bad I dun have time to go look around coz I was kept busy, but there'll be time. :D