We found Marks & Spencer in Nan Jing Road yesterday, and Jiun Hui had something in mind to buy.
So today we went there again. XDD Not easy to go there, have to take LRT and change the line. T.T
The worst thing was she couldn't find the thing she needed over there. X.X
So with a saturnine Jiun Hui, we went to Wu Jiang Road again to seek for our dinner.
We settled down with Chicken Pot, which was another illustrious cuisine in that area.

After the satisfying dinner, we walked to another street full of shopping lil shops. :D
Owh yea, before that, Jiun Hui got herself 2 roasted oysters. :)

We got ourselves some nice new clothes!!
Sob, I have to start saving so that my money will be enough for the month. X.X