12 something in the afternoon, I welcomed Hui Sean & Jee Hui to my house.
Lol. They were still flushed in their PJ shirts, obviously just coming back from school.
These 2 girls were really nice to give me some fruits. :) Thanks ya!
Of coz, when 3 narcissists got together, all they do was taking pics.
Lol. They were still flushed in their PJ shirts, obviously just coming back from school.
These 2 girls were really nice to give me some fruits. :) Thanks ya!
Of coz, when 3 narcissists got together, all they do was taking pics.
Jee Hui said I look prettier after getting sick. Lol. I guess I will take that as a compliment. :)
So, let the pictures do the talking la! ^^
So, let the pictures do the talking la! ^^
A not-so-pleased look from Sean.
*winks* Hehez.
Okay. THIS was better.
Jee Hui, Me and Sean! ^^ ♥ dis pic!
XD No comment on dis.
Gypsy Air's score. :)
Ehem.. Dis was my lunch, porridge. XD
Pity me. Too much antibiotic injection until an onion popped out from my hand. x.x
Haha. They were forced to eat with me. :)
This pic was sooo blur. Guess who's the photographer. haha.
Jee Hui's Idea. ^^ Pretty nice.
I kissed Air Jernih [azheneh]. Lol.
Caught! Random! XD
It did a crime. So it's hanged here.
The crime was it stole my specs.
My teddies were tortured by being stuffed in vases. Jee Hui's idea. ;D
2 little devils. haha.
A quite long chain of narcissistic pics of Jee Hui & Me. Haha. Enjoy~
Switched! With Hui Sean! Haha.
The lesson from dis pic: Stay away from books. Haha.
Jee Hui's the photographer. She said it's real nice. I think so too. ^^
Rose with piano and scores. Wow.
She still can play blind-folded. Pretty gud skill. haha!
Compliment: Stupid Sean does looks nice in long hair. haha.