Tar's my best guy friend in Shanghai. ^^ As for Jiun Hui is my best girl friend in Shanghai. Haha~

I'm soooo super duper happy! XD
Someone was honking outside when I just finish bathing. And then my mum yelled for me to come down. She said got Pos Laju something. XD
And inside.... Lol! This is a Tee from his music university! :DD
I actually get a tee from a Thai music university. haha..
It's very special coz it's not something you can buy anywhere! ^^
Hoho... He says in the postcard that he can get me a larger size if the tee is too small for me.
So I try it out now to prove that the tee fits! XDD
I can wear a smaller size one! Haha. I'm slim enough. XD
There're also a small packet of tissue of Sesame Street and a cute pencil box. Haha.
That's so cute!
The post card is full of Thai words I dun understand. XDD Tar says he'll translate it for me when I bring the card back to Shanghai this March. Lol.
Haha!!! He wrote in Chinese!
Man, his Chinese handwriting is simply cute. XD
Okay Tar wat do you mean by "I heard you say you are very slim, so I'm sure you can wear it."?
I'm SLIM la! No need to hearsay. Hahaha...
And aiks, even he knows I cry a lot. :P So that's why he has given me that packet of tissue for. XD
Lol... Thanks Tar!!
Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's Day to you too!!!