This is the
Raini-est day since December!
It keeps on showering heavily from morning until evening!
So I spend the day sleeping or hibernating like a teddy bear in my room. :D
I love
cold weather!
Whee~ So I got
Twilight and
New Moon's Notepad from Yingz!!!!
I had been wanting them since Twilight series were out!
The moment I know Yingz had it, I was like kept on badgering her to send me. :DDDDDD
It didn't take too long for me to get it since my line was working pretty well dat day.
Anyway, Yingz still complained dat my line was super slow comparing to her friend - Danny's line. XD
She was using his line you see.
I guess I'll start reading it 2mr!
Yay, tomorrow no working! Is it Sultan's birthday or Muharram?
I nvr have a good sense at these dates. Haha.
My lovely gothic desktop:
[yaya, it's still Windows XP. lol. I wanna get Vista but for now, it's better to stay XP!]
The files!!!!!!!
They looked super adorable FOR ME. I HAD WANTED THEM SO BADLY! XDD

Going to KS later! To celebrate Yin Ching's birthday!