I used to like creamy stuff, but Starbucks Green Tea Cream is a bit too much for me. =.=
I think Green Tea should just be green tea itself, the translucent drink and not those thick sticky type.
I still have goosebumps now recalling the taste. X.X
Haha... Must have keep you guys puzzling. I went to Kuantan yesterday to meet up with Hung Sheng and Xing Zhao, my ex violin students.
GRRR... Xing Zhao didn't manage to show up coz he was really busy that day, so ended up spending the day with Hung Sheng alone. Haha...
Hung Sheng is still the super shy-camera self. :))))

No matter how you hide, you can never hide from my camera.
I'mnotgonnadeleteit, notgonnadeleteit~
Hoh!! Trying to snap my pictures? Lol. I like this pic. ^^

Me forcing a smile while slurping the
Grean Tea Cream. =.=''' Wrong choice, but I paid for it, so had to at least drink half of it down.

Hung Sheng and Xing Zhao promised me a birthday present. :DDD So they bought me a
SACHA's bag! ^^ Loving it. haha.. Though it's pretty costly. Almost RM200.
Thanks guys.
Anyway in return, I bought Xing Zhao a
Tropicana Life's wallet and bought a
Nike schoolbag for Hung Sheng together with the money given by Xing Zhao since he was absent.
We spent time strolling around the mall in search for any bag nicer than the
grey Sacha but ended up the one was the best. haha.. And Hung Sheng fell in love straightaway with the red stunning Nike school bag. =D So cheers. Then we went to
Quiksilver to look for pencilbox for Xing Zhao. He loved Quiksilver you see. =.='''
Budak Kaya~ Lol.
I continued spending the day with
Kah Win, Boon Peng, Wei Xiong, Boon Peng and Chong Chern. They were shopping for New Year. XD I didn't buy any clothes coz I couldn't find anything I liked. Perhaps I should just shop in Johor instead. :)
They decided to go
Megamall after failing in looking for a nice belt for Mr Kah Win. Haha..
Guys could be very choosy and shopaholic when they wanted to be. I was surprised to find out. :)
We took a taxi to Megamall and on the way it was hilarious coz Mr Kah Win made fun of the driver, demanding music and trying to ask for more discount on the taxi fee. Poor mr driver. :DDD Anyway it was really fun coz the driver had good humour. ^^
He found the belt he wanted finally and oso a pair of nice
Everlast's shoes. ^^
On my way for dinner in my car with my mum and with my new Sacha's bag. Haha...
That's a long annoying sentence. XD

Turned out that brother was still busy so we waited at the park nearby his apartment.
Poor mum became my temporary photographer. :DDD
The colour was not at its best so I just put it black and white. :)

Mum got grumpy so I just snap pics myself. Wahaha..
Such a narcissist. XD Anyway that's what I do when I'm bored. XD