Just wait patiently for it to load if you're interested to see the inner beauty of the Shanghai Concert Hall! :DDD
Xing Xing sang 茉莉花 in a concert held in Shanghai Concert Hall this afternoon.
She got us 2 tickets so Jiun Hui and I went to give her support! :DDD
It was a government event, to celebrate some anniversary, I wasn't sure.
I really enjoyed the dances presented this afternoon. :)
This was the first dance, Song Of The Sea, all the dancers wore those really beautiful and light dresses that they flipped here and there, I could see sea waves actuating on the stage.
Beautiful sight.
Another dance, Flowers On The Mountain.
Haha.. I simply translate. :DDD
It was really obvious anyway. I could see flowers dancing around.
Such a delight! ^^
Haha.. I simply translate. :DDD
It was really obvious anyway. I could see flowers dancing around.
Such a delight! ^^
There were a lot of other musical performances, and finally, here were Xing Xing, the vocal teacher from our conservatory and Suleman! :D
Suleman's one of the international students of the conservatory as well. :)))
I snapped this pic from like 500m away? XDDD
Zooming like hell and cropped it and got this. T.T
Suleman's one of the international students of the conservatory as well. :)))
I snapped this pic from like 500m away? XDDD
Zooming like hell and cropped it and got this. T.T
Got this pic from Xing Xing! ^^
She looked fabulous today!!!
And beside her was the vocal teacher from our conservatory. :DD
Pink! ^^
She looked fabulous today!!!
And beside her was the vocal teacher from our conservatory. :DD
Pink! ^^

We slipped out to went to the ladies before the concert ended and we started to explore the concert hall!
It was an unforgettable "trip" coz everywhere we went, it was beauty all along.
Check out the pics to know more.
There were lots of oil paintings hanging on the wall.
This was just one of them. :)
This was just one of them. :)
Haha.. A cello? Or ancestor of cello?
Unique look.
Anyone enlighten me? :D
Unique look.
Anyone enlighten me? :D
Haha.. The flutist and the Flutist-Wannabe.
Slim leg! I want! XDD
I always think my legs are fat anyway. XD
I always think my legs are fat anyway. XD
I love this!
The gorgeous table!!! :D
I dun really know wat's dat statue about behind me.
Trying to hide my cheeks so won't be so chubby and turned out to be even chubbier. T.T
Trying to hide my cheeks so won't be so chubby and turned out to be even chubbier. T.T
The staircase at the main entrance! :D
I really love this pic, somehow got the really foreign feel. Wahahha..
I really love this pic, somehow got the really foreign feel. Wahahha..
My lovely Jiun Hui with the handwritten script of Tchaikovsky!
So damn messy man. Lol.
And the Beethoven's one really dunno wat he wrote about. Like SERIOUSLY. O.o
So damn messy man. Lol.
And the Beethoven's one really dunno wat he wrote about. Like SERIOUSLY. O.o
The info carved on the wall. :)
Jiun Hui's version.
Jiun Hui's version.
My version. Hahaha..
The guard at the entrance must think there was something wrong with the girl over here. XD
Just want to show how much I love the concert hall! ^^
The guard at the entrance must think there was something wrong with the girl over here. XD
Just want to show how much I love the concert hall! ^^
We met up with Xing Xing outside the concert hall.
She had already changed into her usual clothes. T.T
Sobsob.. At first I still wanted to take pics with her in her gown. T.T
She looked gorgeous!!!
Xing Xing and Jiun Hui.
She had already changed into her usual clothes. T.T
Sobsob.. At first I still wanted to take pics with her in her gown. T.T
She looked gorgeous!!!
Xing Xing and Jiun Hui.
Xing Xing & Me!
3 of us. Credits to some stranger who took our pics using his camera as well coz he wanted to take pics of Xing Xing. XDD
Next stop, we had to find something to eat. Xing Xing was famished and claimed to eat both of us up if we couldn't find food for her. Hahaha..
We went into a mall that had lots of eateries inside.
This is a Jewellery shop or cosmetics. I forgot.
It had this pretty wall so I took pics with it. :D
It had this pretty wall so I took pics with it. :D
In the end we decided to eat Shapu Shapu Steamboat!!! :DDD
Everyone got this.
Looked nice huh?
Pictures! ^^
Xing Xing with the "Wow so many food" look. XDD
My meat and bacon.
More "modeling pics" in the steamboat shop. XD
I really love this pic!!! I dunno how Xing Xing took this. XDD
It's so special. Maybe her finger got in the way so there was the shadow. Hmm..
It's so special. Maybe her finger got in the way so there was the shadow. Hmm..
Continue to pose. XD
Wahahhaa.. The theme of this picture was "The Lonely Girl".
Xing Xing with her crazy pose! XD

Me joining in posing! Hahaha..

Haha.. It was really fun!
And ughhhh I took so long to upload the pics. :(
At first I planned to finish blogging about it 2 hours ago.
Gonna go sleep now~~ Byeee...