Xing Xing had been planning about this since last week. :DDDD
And we brought this plan to life today.
4 of us went there by cab around 2pm and paid
RMB135 per person for the entrance fee.
We knew that it gonna be an unforgettable trip. :)
The start of the journey.
A drum, I dunno what for. :D

The first cool fish I saw. :DDD
Some kinda shark.

Haha.. I was saying, "Come to me, come to me".

It swam over there, so I followed. XD
I was hypnotized. =.=

These fishes were sleeping, perhaps.
Coz they weren't moving. O.o

Ahahaa.. Jiun Hui and her brilliant idea. XD

We climbed up that tree root to take pics.
It was soooo slippery.

I wondered if the trees were real. Since they were in the building. Hmm..
And it was too dark for me to observe them.
Flash needed!
Jiun Hui and Xing Xing! :D

Tar & I.

Giraffes. ^^

And then we saw this cute lil girl. Just 2 or 3 yrs old I think.
She was too cute!! We just had to take her pics. XD
Every step she took was like a stumble. :DDD

She let Jiun Hui hugged her!!! XDD
So cute!!

T.T but she ran away when I came.
Perhaps I was too tall and scared her off. X.X sobsob..

Don't run!

And she had this super cute Stitch's bag. hahaha.

Gotcha! XD

Ohhoho.. We were at the North Pole. XD
Good pose, Jiun Hui. XD

Don't even try to bite me. XD I'm stronger.

Hehe! We were in the Penguin's territory!
I was soooo thrilled to see penguins. :DDD
Was this the first time? I guessed so. ^^
They weren't afraid of ppl, you knocked on the glass, they came to you.

Here's a very special fish I wanna share with you all.
I dunno the English name of it, but it's like a plant, sticking out from the sand, as if it is trapped there, planted.
Really fascinating. :)

Here's the Jellyfish!
They look illuminated.

Beautiful creatures, aren't they?

And this!!!! With super long tail.
What's its name?
Look at its tail. O.o


Hehe!! The little souvenir shop in the middle of the tunnel. XD

We arrived at the Shark's section. Woohooo!
Btw forgotten to tell you guys, this tunnel where we are walking in is the longest undersea tunnel IN THE WORLD. :D 155 metres.
Doesn't sound so long, but it's the longest in the world, no joke. O.o

This is the moving belt.
You just stand on it and it'll move slowly.
Don't have to walk. :D
Designed for lazy ppl I supposed?? Haha.

This gigantic fellow swam right above my head. =.='''

Another cute thing to share.
The sea horse and a weird looking fish which swims around with its head down. O.o

This was another section but I forgot what. :D

Individual pics. :DD
Credits to Xing Xing's camera, we can see our reflection in the glass pretty clearly.

Mr Shark coming out again. O.o

The tunnel trip basically ended.
We were exhilarated and ended up in the vast souvenir shop.
When we were trolling around and looking at cute stuff, Jiun Hui suggested us to try this! :DDDD
We were just like kids.
But I never try this before. :DDD So let's start!
First, pick a pattern you want.

Then the helper there'll assist you by moving the pattern onto a piece of metal plate.

Rows of colours to choose from. :D
Squeeze the liquids out and start painting.

Mine! Hello Kitty, Kero Kero and Melody sailing on a boat. Hahaha..
Choose this coz I can put lots of different colours since there are so many characters. XDDD
This is the pic of the art before I do extra thing to the water part.

This is the AFTER pic.
The water looks as if there're some waves. :DDD

The end product! :DDDDD
I simply don't like it to be just the plain old colour in the same place.
I like to mix, and create some different effects. XD

Jiun Hui and her doll pic! XDD
Great job dear! hahaha..
It was so fun, coz she screamed when the ink dripped onto some other places and messed up her art. XD

Tadaa.. It's mine!
Pasted onto a piece of paper and sealed with a layer of plastic. :D

Haha.. the hello kitty's shirt had some funny blotches on it. XDD
And I did something to the boat so it looked wooden. ^^

Cool wristbands, dear. XD

Haha!! Xing Xing got the x'mas hat from one of the stuff toy's head and just wear it on straightaway. XDDD
Hilarious and cute!!

Look at the stuff toy on the very left in Jiun Hui's hand.
That's where Xing Xing got her x'mas hat! XD
I love the white tiger glove stuff toy. :DDDD
Totally endearing. ^^

More silly pics. XD

Xing Xing put that lamb there. XD

Game section! XD

Yes, let's become kiddy!! XDDD
Xing Xing trying to duck away from the cactus. ^^

Jiun Hui looking prim and proper in her pirate ship. XD

And I'm in Safari driving with Orang Utan on my right and Giraffe and Elephant at the back seats. XD

Btw there's Chen Hui Ling's wax statue right outside the souvenir shop. O.o
It looks like her real person.
So detailed and delicate.

We had our dinner right outside the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium.
There're a row of restaurants and we picked the Hong Kong's one. :DDD
Asked a tourist there to help us to snap a pic of the 4 of us before leaving. :DDD

A great day!!! :) And next week gonna be GREATER. :D
Trust me, we have planned it. Hehehe.. Not gonna tell you. Just stay tuned.