This is a late post. :) I watched the concert 4 days ago but didn't get the time to update about it.
Anyway, I'll make sure I DO update about it, because it's so damn freaking AMAZING.
I've been loving Jazz for a pretty long time. Last Saturday, I went to a club named JZ Club with 3 of my friends coz there was a Jazz Band playing every Saturday night. I heard that it was the best Jazz Band in Shanghai. They were pretty cool, especially the Saxophone player. A few members of the band were my conservatory's teacher too. haha.. They improvised everything on the spot, and played anything they wanted to play with only one go of practice. COOL.
However, the cooler one came later. At 24th November, a awesome trio from Japan visited our conservatory and had a concert in our school's hall. The concert was named:
Here's the poster for the concert. Btw, the Chinese lady, Jiang Ting at the bottom right is a guest performer. :))
This is Kazumi Watanabe, the guitarist, and also the one I loved most in the whole performance. His talent in guitar shone in the first note he played. It was bright and refreshing, funky at times and so effing cool. I was stunned, right there. Yes, he has the power to captivate ppl, as he does to me. :)
And here's Koko Tanikawa, the pianist. She's also a composer. :)
*drum rolls* Let's welcome our saxophone player, Honda Masato. My friend said he's the best sax player in Japan. ^^ He's just cool. Haha... He played both flute and sax during the concert.
And yea, this is Jiang Ting, the guest performer. She's a great musician. ^^ You should hear her play.
Well, so after the concert, we managed to snap some pics with Masuto Honda. Too bad it was blur. T.T sobsob~~~