This time, he brought along his fiancee! She's a veryyyyy veryyyyy pretty + elegant +friendly woman! :DDDDD
Perfect match. :D
We stood up and clapped when our teacher arrived with his fiancee following. Wahahaha...
Dinner was great. :DDDD
Teacher gave us the results btw, haha.... I got 80! ^_^
Okay la.. not satisfying, aiming for 90 plus next time. LOL......
My seniors got 78, 83, 84, 85 and 87.
All of us were pretty happy with the results. :DD
After the dinner, we FORCED teacher to go karaoke with us. :))))
Coz according to his fiancee, his singing SUCKS, big time. O.O
We were like, "Owhhhhh reallyyy?" and got really hyper. ^_^
So in the end, teacher had to go with us. :DDDDD
Tadaaaa~~~ Our teacher on the left, singing. And his fiancee! ^_^
She was super cute ok? XD
Oohhhhhhh... wow........... Teacher's singing skill is really...... "impressive"...
LOL!!! He will get out-of-tune suddenly and get back to normal. We couldn't help laughing!!! :DDDDD
They're sooo sooo soooo sweet together!!! ^_^
The super kawaii fiancee who danced when teacher was singing. Ahahaha...
My seniors! :DDDD The one looking at the camera's the long-fringe girl I told you guys about last time, who flings her hair everytime she plays violin. Ahahaha...
And the one not facing the camera's already graduated last year. XDDD
Loving this pic! :D
This totally depicted how the whole thing looked like yesterday night! Ahaha..
Taken by me! :DDD
See teacher and his fiancee having fun! LOL.
They're just like kids. XD
And my seniors! All 4 of them! :D
Teacher getting out-of-tune and his happy fiancee. AHAHAHA..
Long-fringe senior, Yu Chen, who loves rock'n'roll! :D
She loves to sing super rock songs and those screaming-on-the-top-of-your-lungs kinda songs.
This is Yi Ting, XDD
She is really good in singing. :DDDDD
They looked like twins sometimes. XDDD
Especially the hairstyle, just with different parted fringe. XD
Finally, sweetie fiancee sang! *claps claps* :DD
Wan Lu and I feeling "Awww so sweet" with teacher & fiancee as the background. LOL.
Pictures! :D
Taken by 2 different cameras.
My camera SUCKS!! :( hmphhh...
Well, basically, SONY cameras sucks. Trust me. :(
Group pictures! :DDD
Teacher and his whole gang of female students. XD
He said it was really weird, coz all his students have been girls, and no guys. O.o
Bleh.. I cannot stand straight again. Coz they say they'll look too short if I stand straight. LOL.
Yu Chen & me~ :DDD She's sooo loud and funny. ♥ ♥!
Yu Chen & Judy~ :D
Wan Lu & Yu Chen, trying to act ugly, but in the end became cute. XD hahhaa.
Before leaving!
Saw this super funny wall with a weird mirror effect.
Whoops I'm a giraffe! My neck! XD
This is what happened when both sides of the wall are made of mirrors!
Amazing! :D
I'm getting totally crabby these few days.
The blood flows non-stop and I think I'm running out of blood, can't even walk fast. :(((
Stupid monthly female craps. :(
I guess I should just turn into a vampire and start sucking blood to regain those I lost.
Shit. It's god damn painful. :(
Buai peeps. :((