So whenever we need to have a delicate and well-embellished Fruit Delight Ice-cream, we'll have it if our fav leader is around!
There're 2 leaders in Citta Cafe. One is angelic, and another one, to my utmost disappointment, is totally devilish. :(
We love the angelic leader. He's always smiling and serves us himself as if we are 2 happy kids. :D Even when we online until the shop is going to close, he'll just say, "Take your time, no rush." And when he serves us, he'll raise up the plates and say, "So... whose dish is this?" with a twinkle in his eye. ^^
As for the devilish leader. He dislikes us onlining too long there. He'll give us his diabolical stare and scowls all the time. Anyway, we are his customers so he won't make it too obvious. We can still see that he'll get really gleeful whenever there's an internet problem in the cafe. He enjoys watching us staring at the "Internet Cannot Be Displayed", and sardonically says, "Well, you can try restarting your lappy, if it's still like that, I'm sorry I can't help."
And the sweet angelic leader will always rush to our rescue and fix the line as best as he can.
:D Since I got line in my room, so I don't need to go Citta so often.
Anyway, I will still go there once in a month for Fruit Delight! ^^ Wheeyyy~