I really tried not to flood this post with pictures. This is the best I can do. :)
So ppl who wants to see more pictures (which I can promise you there're A LOT more), kindly go to my facebook! :DDD
My look for this year is Cat Lolita! :DDDD
Didn't really like the lacey hair band which lolita usually had, Miki & I decided to try adding the "cat element" into our looks! So yea, added car ears and tails! :DDDD
Costumes bought at the anime shop! :D And hair done at SuperStar. The same like last time! ^^
Miki & I were late for the dinner coz my hairdo took a longer time than what I had expected. So some pictures in the room before leaving for the dinner!
Haha.. Miki insisted to put the eye-bandage thingy coz she said Halloween should be scary! :DDD
And I, for the first time, put on my first high heels. (Those I wore before were all wedges) Haha. It was pretty comfy at first. But after walking in it for more than half an hour, it was HELL.
Anyway I enjoyed being over 180cm that night and walked around intimidating ppl with my new height. LOL!
The venue of our dinner! Very very exquisite and unique restaurant. Credits to Fang Fang for suggesting the place. Everybody was already there. Miki & I were the late comers.
*sorry guys*
The bird that speaks perfect Chinese. It kept on chiming "你好!" for almost every 3 minutes. :D
You guys must be wondering why the pictures were of such great quality. Well, thanks Jeremy for these awesome pics! I LOVE HIS CAMERA! Sony Nex-5. It was small, but the quality of it was much better than DSLR! :DDDD I WANT!
Some pictures when we were eating. LOL. I ate a really really salty+sour thing, that explained the face I made. :D
Some pics of the food! :D
The Japanese babes! Miki & Yurina! :D
L to R: Ellen, Sebastian (from Sweden), Yurina, Ai, me & Miki! :D
So many ppl! ^_^ Loving the feeling of going out with a whole bunch of friends! So festive!
A very ghostly picture of Fang Fang in the mask! I LIKEY! :D
We walked all the way to Xin Tian Di after dinner. I was like "Hell, I want to change my shoes!!"
Kat took this! Haha.. thanks dear. :D My only picture walking in heels that night. Coz I changed into flats right after I reached Xin Tian Di. It was just too painful! XDD
Thumbs up for this pic! Jeremy's the photographer and Fang Fang's the model! Click to enlarge and you can see his legs and arms became translucent. WOW. :D
After a really really reallyyyyy long walk. Finally we reached Xin Tian Di! :D There were tons of ppl there celebrating Halloween! TEEHEE!!!! Noted that I had changed into flats. :D
Group pic credits to Fang Fang! :D
Miki & I were the only ones wearing costumes in our group. Lots of ppl asked to take pictures with us! LOL! We were like posing, saying "you're welcome", then turned around, another camera flashed, another ppl came over and asked to take pics with us.... etc etc etc. LOL.
Just now when I was still uploading pictures in FB, Miki said that if we google for Halloween 2010 in Xin Tian Di, Shanghai. Perhaps we could see our pictures in some China ppl's blogs! TEEHEE! I do think it's possible. :DD
Here's a random snap. Miki & I were asked to take picture with some girls on the right. :)
Haha.. Honey Yurina took this pic while we were taking group pics. :D
Yayyy! Here's Ai from Japan! :D Mentioned her lotsa times in my blog but this was the first time I actually took picture with her! :DDD Hearts her lots! :D Super pretty girl. :)
And of coz, darling Yurina! :D She's totally gorgeous. :)
Teehee! And L to R: Yi Tong (from Taiwan), Zhong Jia (China), Jiun Hui, Miki & I!
Haha.. And this one! L to R: Xing Xing, Maggie, me, Miki and Maggie's bf!! :DDD
Scared by Fang Fang? :D Haha.. Just acting!
OMG Tar with rabbit ears! LOLLLL!
Took pictures with the ppl who wear costumes in Xin Tian Di too! :DDDD Here goes!!! ^_^
Super love that sister in skeleton robe! She's really sweet! :D
Pumpkin kids! ^_^
L to R: Brandon (Paulina's bro), Paulina, me & Miki! :D
Aha! Another one, taken using my camera. :)
Me, Lawrence and Miki! :D
We stopped by at Starbucks for something to drink. Some of us left early coz they were exhausted. There were like only 9 of us left in Starbucks. :) We just sat there, chatting and taking pics! :DDD
With Miki's special bandaged bear! :D Her idea, to match with her fake injured eye. LOL. Anyway she lost her eye-bandage-thingy in the Thai restaurant. So yea.
Poor bear! :D
Sparkly black nails and gloves! :D Love her style!
Borrowed her hands to take pictures. :D
A western guy from the opposite table stared at me when I was taking this pic. X.X paiseh.
Phew~ At first Miki & I planned to continue our Halloween night to the No. 88 Bar. It had been on the top of our list at first coz it was the first place we saw a week ago which would be having Halloween party. And it said anyone wearing costumes can get free entrance! :D
Anyway we canceled the trip coz we were already exhausted. :) After the nice chat and photo session in Starbucks, we headed home.... and........ continue our photo snapping in our room! XDDDD
Some pics taken before I go to bathe! Love my hair here! Teeheee!!!