Does this picture ring a bell to you?
I drew the whole image below on the blackboard today during my story-telling session,

Exactly, you got it right, I was going to tell the kids about
"Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs".I wasn't really ready to tell it. Frankly, I didn't even plan to tell any stories today.
Usually it was totally spontaneous.
Thanks to my mum.

She merely told the kids,
"If you all sit still and be quiet, Xi Jie Jie will tell you stories!"
It was like a spell. A powerful one.
The pandemonium drifted off like a wind, and I was like,
"Oh shit! MOMMMMMMMMM..... =.="
The kids were gazing at me with ingenuous expectations in their eyes.
Fine... Fine fine fine.
So I asked,
"What story do you guys wanna listen to?"
Wei Xuan quickly raised up her hand and yelled,
"Snow White!"So that's it. XD
"Once upon a time, there was a beautifuuuuuuuuul girl called Snow White." I started.
Based on my sketch on the blackboard, MY VERSION of Snow White seemed to have a Japanese Doll Hairstyle, and Wei Xuan had it too.
So I teased her,
"Hey, so you have the same hairstyle like Snow White! You shall be the Snow White then!"It went on pretty well with some
"uuuuhhh" and
"ahhhhh" from the kids.
When I reached the part where Snow White was half-dead, lying in the coffin, remember that's the part the Prince joined in.
So to make things interesting, I asked the kids,
"Who wants to become The Prince?"Gigantic response. Almost all the hands were raised. Even the girls raised up their hands too. =.=!!!
I chose Fei Fan as the Prince and caught some disappointed looks on some faces. XD
I was about to continue the story and suddenly Yun Heng interrupted.
"I want to become The White Horse!"O.o!!!
Owh, so there's someone who wants dat role! XDDDD
Omg, I love the kids.
I carried on the story like dis:
"So The Prince Fei Fan rode on The Horse Yun Heng, trotting to the coffin. *act like a horse* The Prince almost fainted when he saw Princess Wei Xuan. 'Omg, tell me how can there be such a gorgeous girl in the wood?' He said and kissed her. *making a sickening smooching sound, the kids giggled* Princess Wei Xuan woke up. *act like just woke up coughing slightly* 'OMG, such CUTE HOT GUY!' She yelled. And so they married and live happily ever after."
*giggles, laughters and applause from the kids. Curtsey. XDDDD*
Good thing: The kids adore me more than ever.
Bad thing: They want me to tell them stories EVERYDAY.
HELP? :'((