I woke up around 6 in the morning, feeling totally drowsy and giddy coz I slept really late the night before.
My head was throbbing and I was like "owh no, I hope the fatique-ness won't spoil the day!"
A fresh bath helped me to clear my head. :)
Xing Zhu came to get me and we gathered at the school gate, departing in Feng's new red car. :DD
On the way in the car taking pics with the dog with a tongue.
(Haha... I'm trying to make a poem out of it)
(Haha... I'm trying to make a poem out of it)
This dog had such a silly look I just keep torturing it and used it as my pillow throughout the whole journey in the car. XD
The weather was lovely. About 18 degree and it was super sunny and cheery. :DDDD
When we got there, I could see swarms of ppl queueing up for tickets. OMG.
Haha.. My back view blocked by Kevin. :DD
Anyway we managed to get in after 10 minutes coz we bought the tickets from some random ticket sellers outside, had discount summore. Whee~~~
Pics at the entrance..
Us in couple tee~~
And they're in couple tees too!!! Ahahaha..
Xing Zhu got the tees for them! XD
Xing Zhu got the tees for them! XD
Happy Valley is a city, YES, A CITY.
It was fulled of little shops selling incredibly cute and interesting things and a lot of crazily exciting and amusing equipments.
There were 4 or 5 sections with different themes.
It was so big we couldn't finish everything in a day!
It was Spring! And there were seeds of dandelion floating in the air, just like snowflakes or tiny feathers.
And there were kids blowing bubbles too, and I could see rainbow colours through them. :DD
A deco train. :D
I ♥ this pic. ^^
I ♥ this pic. ^^
Feng wore this shades that could be used as a mirror. Haha..
So Xing Zhu took a picture of herself using it. XD
So Xing Zhu took a picture of herself using it. XD

Hehe.. We wore couple tees and caps! :D
Owh yea, I'm wearing her shades! ^^
Owh yea, I'm wearing her shades! ^^
And there's a wedding chapel in Happy Valley! :DDD
It was really pretty, all white and EMPTY.
I guess it's just for deco? Lol...
It was really pretty, all white and EMPTY.
I guess it's just for deco? Lol...
Lol.. I wore another glasses of Xing Zhu! :DD
This one has no prescriptions and no lenses!
I like it though! Hahaha.. Nice.
This one has no prescriptions and no lenses!
I like it though! Hahaha.. Nice.
I was being impolite, interrupting their date. XD
Owh yea.. Here's one of the scariest equipments in Happy Valley.
It slopes down 90 degree as you can see in this pic.
We didn't try it out that day though, coz there were a lot more things we hadn't try on.
And subconciously, nobody actually feel like trying THAT out. Lol.
Too scary.
Ahaha.. that's the rabbit hairband I bought on my head. ^^
It slopes down 90 degree as you can see in this pic.
We didn't try it out that day though, coz there were a lot more things we hadn't try on.
And subconciously, nobody actually feel like trying THAT out. Lol.
Too scary.
Ahaha.. that's the rabbit hairband I bought on my head. ^^
Kevin and Feng played the dart-throwing thing.
And there came a lil boy trying it out too. Lol.
He was soooo adorable and chubby!!
Xing Zhu took a pic with him before he fled to get his mum. XD
And there came a lil boy trying it out too. Lol.
He was soooo adorable and chubby!!
Xing Zhu took a pic with him before he fled to get his mum. XD
We were lining up to try out the Waves Machine.
Took pics while waiting. ^^
Took pics while waiting. ^^
.......... I'm speechless ............
Xing Zhu asked me to turn around and SNAP! :D
OMG this pic sooooo GAY! XD
We always say they are gays though.
Coz they love each other very much.
Yiiii, I still feel goosebumps crawling up my skin everytime I see this pic. XD
We always say they are gays though.
Coz they love each other very much.
Yiiii, I still feel goosebumps crawling up my skin everytime I see this pic. XD
Hahaa.. Kiss! ^^
Look at our couple tee! ^^
Same design, different colours. Hehehe.
Same design, different colours. Hehehe.
Some freaky equipments we tried out.
This looked like an octopus transformer.
It just kept spinning and spinning and sometime with your head facing downwards.
This looked like an octopus transformer.
It just kept spinning and spinning and sometime with your head facing downwards.
This one was the one I had tried out last time in People's Garden, but this one in Happy Valley is much more scarier, bigger and stronger.
Haha! Finally something about water!!
This was pretty fun, We just kept spinning down the stream and got splashed by some hidden water gun and got wet.
This was pretty fun, We just kept spinning down the stream and got splashed by some hidden water gun and got wet.
Rain coats! :D
A must-have when you want to play this game. XD
A must-have when you want to play this game. XD
We strayed on to the next section.
Took pic with the stone mountain as the background.
Took pic with the stone mountain as the background.
Wheee whee!!! I found horse-riding place and I MUST TRY IT OUT! XD
I had always wanted to ride a horse since I was 5 yrs old.
I like how they decorate it, look super Mongolian. ^^
I had always wanted to ride a horse since I was 5 yrs old.
I like how they decorate it, look super Mongolian. ^^
Me on the horse.
The "Mongolian guy" at the back brought me and my horse for a walk around.
He made the horse galloped and I had to gasp for breath, man so damn scary! T.T
Luckily he did slowed down afterwards and asked me questions like where I was from.
And when he knew I was studying music in the conservatory, he asked for my number so that he could call me when there was some violin works available.
Hehe.. I told him to get Kevin's number instead. XDDD
The "Mongolian guy" at the back brought me and my horse for a walk around.
He made the horse galloped and I had to gasp for breath, man so damn scary! T.T
Luckily he did slowed down afterwards and asked me questions like where I was from.
And when he knew I was studying music in the conservatory, he asked for my number so that he could call me when there was some violin works available.
Hehe.. I told him to get Kevin's number instead. XDDD
....... SPEECHLESS AGAIN........
KABOOMMM! This one I really have nothing to comment about. =.='''
Pics of the 4 of us!!!
^^ We walked on and got to Kingdom Ants.
Most of the equipments there were designed for kids.
Slower and sweeter, not dat much excitements or frights.
Most of the equipments there were designed for kids.
Slower and sweeter, not dat much excitements or frights.
LOL. There were some buffalo statues and we climbed up to take pictures.
This pose of Feng is just too classy. XD
This pose of Feng is just too classy. XD
Here's the little girl who inspired us on how to climb the buffalo!!
All of us was trying hard to climb but totally in vain, and then this little girl just came up and stepped onto the buffalo's tail and UP SHE WENT!
=.=''' Lol.. We were such fools. T.T
^^ She was soooo cute.
All of us was trying hard to climb but totally in vain, and then this little girl just came up and stepped onto the buffalo's tail and UP SHE WENT!
=.=''' Lol.. We were such fools. T.T
^^ She was soooo cute.
Threesome disrupting the perfect date. XD
Xing Zhu....... What are you doing? XD
They were trying to act like they nvr want to talk to each other again. LOL.
A picture with Feng.
The sunlight was too bright so I borrowed Xing Zhu's shades. :D
The sunlight was too bright so I borrowed Xing Zhu's shades. :D
I have to say the shades is only suitable for girls.
Proven in the pic below..... =.='''''
Proven in the pic below..... =.='''''
Wheee whee~~
The sun was setting~~
My fav pic of the day! :DDDDD
Credits to Xing Zhu the photographer! XD
Credits to Xing Zhu the photographer! XD

Catching the light.
Sugar-coated fruits!!
Strawberry on the top! My fav!!
Strawberry on the top! My fav!!
I didn't try this out too.. T.T
I will try it out next time I come. :D
I will try it out next time I come. :D
And this one as well. T.T
This one super scary!!
This one super scary!!
And these!!! Didn't try out as well! T.T
Lol. You can know how scary it is by judging the height of the "twin tower" equipment. T.T
I think I'll get a heart attack trying it out.
Lol. You can know how scary it is by judging the height of the "twin tower" equipment. T.T
I think I'll get a heart attack trying it out.
I wanna try out the amazingly built roller coaster!!! T.T
Omg I didn't try out a lot of things. T.T sobsob..
Not enough time to. :(
Omg I didn't try out a lot of things. T.T sobsob..
Not enough time to. :(
It was so dark so I had to use backlight to edit the pic. XDD

Feng's red car with Xing Zhu as the model. XD
Last pic, took with Kevin's new bought giraffe balloon! ^^
It was a freakily exciting day.
I was absolutely dehydrated, drained, getting-feebly-in-my-knees and got stronger everytime I tried out something new and scarier.
Owh yea! And we went to watch 4D cinema there too!!!
It was sooooo cool man! Haha..
We watched spongebob, and if something burst or someone spit in the movie, there would be water sprinkled onto our faces.
Felt damn disgusting whehhh. XDDD but it's sooooo fun!!!!!
We just screamed everytime something in the movie poked at us or throw things at us. Hahahaha..
Happy Valley is a must-go place if you come to Shanghai!!! :D