Sunday, April 26, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire ♥
Okay, first thing first.
I'm NOT watching this movie right now.
Before anything else, the best credit goes to ....... YI ZHEN for lending me the book! :)
[Gratitude expressed with tears in my eyes. :')]
"Slumdog Millionaire" is a completely amazing book that kept me awestruck all the way through my reading.
I'm still reading it though, 50 ++ pages to go. Lol.
It's absolutely bizarre that 18 year-old Ram Mohammad Thomas got such luck to win a billion in a quiz show, just because all the questions asked were related to his life, EVERY SINGLE ONE.
As he told his stories to his lawyer, Smita, mysteries unfolded and you could only gap at the things he had gone through in the 18 years since he was borned: murders, gays, rapes, living in the brink of penury......
It's a fabulous book and a completely stunning story. :)
[Tears coming again... XD]
Just grab one and read for yourself!!!!!
One of my friends did asked me, "Why do you choose to read a book rather than watching a movie? Doesn't it save time better?"
Well, I never find movies more intriguing than a book.
Movies can never portray the real character FULLY.
That is the conclusion I derived after I compared Harry Potter's movies and the books.
Sometimes, the story line is too long for a movie and they have to compress everything into at most 3 hours, so they EDIT, CUT and CHANGE it. :(((((
It loses all the originality of the story line, and the colour of the characters gone with it as well.
There are times where human cannot make out the effect described in the book, so they simply skip the part and spoil EVERYTHING!
What's more? We can never know what the characters are thinking by watching movies. They will only act those things out in expressions and what we can do is merely GUESS.
Bad actors or actresses only make things worse.
So yea, books are the best! ^^
The Translation. ♥
Silvermoon, “the best”
Album : loud thought
I have found a treasure
And it carries your name
So wonderful and precious
That no money in the world can ever pay
You fall asleep beside me
I can look at you for the whole night
To see how you sleep
To hear how you breath
Until we wake up the next morning
You have done it again
To take away my breath
When you are near to me
I can hardly believe it
That someone like me
Deserves someone like you
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me
It feels so good like you love me…
I’ll forget the rest of the world
When you are with me
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me
It feels so good like you love me
I tell you too seldomly
That its good to have you
Your smiles are so addictive
As if it is not from this earth
Also, if being near to you would be poisonous
I will still stay with you
As long until I died
Without you, will my world destroyed
I will never want to think about that
Its far too beautiful with you
When we mutually gives loves to each other
I fill myself with power
To take away all the doubt from the eyes
Tell me a thousand lies
And I will believe them all
But there is always one the I doubt
That whether I deserve someone like you
When my life turned over….
You’re the place where I can rest and rely
Because of everything that you give me
Simply makes me feel so good
When I am restless
You’re my endless vacation
And so I put my whole small world
Into your warm and protective hands
A German Song I ♥ :)
Silbermond - "Das Beste"
Album: "Laut Gedacht" (2006)
Ich habe einen Schatz gefunden,
und er trägt Deinen Namen
So wunderschön und wertvoll,
und mit keinem Geld der Welt zu bezahlen
Du schläfst neben mir ein,
ich' könnt Dich die ganze Nacht betrachten
Seh'n wenn Du schläfst,
hör'n wie Du atmest,
bis wir am Morgen erwachen
Du hast es wieder mal geschafft,
mir den Atem zu rauben
Wenn Du neben mir liegst,
dann kann ich es kaum glauben
Dass jemand wie ich
so was schönes wie Dich verdient hat
Du bist das Beste, was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut, wie Du mich liebst
Vergess' den Rest der Welt,
wenn Du bei mir bist
Du bist das Beste, was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut, wie Du mich liebst
Ich sag's Dir viel zu selten:
es ist schön, dass es Dich gibt!
Dein Lachen macht süchtig, fast so,
als wär' es nicht von dieser Erde
Auch wenn Deine Nähe Gift wär',
ich würd' ich bei Dir sein,
solange, bis ich sterbe
Dein Verlassen würde Welten zerstören,
doch daran will ich nicht denken
Viel zu schön ist es mit Dir,
wenn wir uns gegenseitig Liebe schenken
Betank mich mit Kraft,
nimm mir Zweifel von den Augen
Erzähl' mir tausend Lügen,
ich würd' sie Dir alle glauben
Doch ein Zweifel bleibt,
dass ich jemand wie Dich verdient hab'
Du bist das Beste, was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut, wie Du mich liebst
Vergess' den Rest der Welt,
wenn Du bei mir bist
Du bist das Beste, was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut, wie Du mich liebst
Ich sag's Dir viel zu selten:
es ist schön, dass es Dich gibt!
Wenn sich mein Leben überschlägt,
bist Du die Ruhe und die Zuflucht
Weil alles, was Du mir gibst,