Kevin's impending concert will be this coming Friday.
It'll be a concert with the theme
"Kevin and his friends". :D
Xing Zhu & me planned to go together and yesterday Xing Zhu told me she would be getting him a bouquet of flowers and asked me what would I give him.
I was like... owh no, I didn't even think of that. =.='''So I said.... erm... maybe I would get a stufftoy or teddy to go with your flowers?
Xing Zhu was really excited with the prospect and immediately agreed to go hunt for stufftoys with me today. XDD
I realise that Xing Zhu is a girl who really cares about her friends, and she wants everything to be perfect for everyone.
She wants her friends to be happy and so she thinks up a lot of ideas to create surprises for them. :) I love her for that.
We met up in school about
2pm and started our hunt. :D
Nothing intrigued us though, except for
MonChiChi and Shin Chan, though we didn't buy them and continue searching.
I couldn't remember how many streets we had been through and I had to say, it was lovely to check out those fascinating streets full of
little shops and
endearing things. ♥Finally we stopped by a shop selling
couple tees!
Lol. And Xing Zhu suddenly had the idea, to get a pair of couple tees for both of us, since we'll be going to the
fun park this coming Saturday! :DDDDD
Awesome idea. :DDD I love it!So yes we got ourselves 2 couple tees and you guys just need to wait for dat day to come to see them! :D
And we bought
caps to match too! Ahahahaa... Niceeeee...
Xing Zhu booked a bouquet of sunflowers, and on the way back I got myself a new bag as well! Loving it. :DDD
Owh yea, and Xing Zhu asked me to have dinner with her and she called Kevin to join as well.
So when we were waiting for Kevin to finish his rehearsal, Xing Zhu stopped by at my hostel to go online. :D
She helped me to style my hair as well, but
that STUPID comb tangled up my hair! WTH WTH WTH!!! T.TSo we kinda panicked for a while coz it was really stuck
TIGHT. :((((
Haha.. in the end, Xing Zhu suggested to cut off all those tiny red heads on the comb to save my hair out.
I agreed without a second thought. :D So there goes my comb, destroyed. :DDDD
I would get a new one 2mr. XD
Poor me, with the comb dangling on my head and Xing Zhu trying hard to save my hair. :D
I just need to snap this precious moment.

Thank god, my hair was finally safe and sound. :DD
We shifted our attention from hair styling to online instead.
And Xing Zhu thought of a perfect idea. We would shop for the stufftoy
online and get it by mail before Friday!
:) We found exactly what we needed. :)
GREAT.Finally Kevin was done with his rehearsal and off we went to eat steamboat! :D
Pictures pictures!
Why in the world am I hunching? Lol.

The pic is too yellow I dun like it. :D So try another mode.

Credits to Xing Zhu the photographer and Kevin the model. Hahaha..

Xing Zhu's trying to do the experiment:
Whoever that takes picture with Kevin will look better than usual.
Hmm.. Kinda true.
Result shown below. Hahaha.

Models. Ngehehehe..

And my pic of the day! :D
My watermelon kitty look! Hahaha...
LAME. =.='''

Hope the stufftoy will be delivered in time!! :DDDD
And can't wait for the weekend to go to the fun park! :DDDDD
Good night!