I will leave for
KL tomorrow.
So went Kuantan for quartet practice and meet up with dearest Mr Khoo and my friends in KA! ^^
Silly Xing Zhao was having his violin class, so I went in for a while to say hi.
HAHA, Xing Zhao, think you gonna get taller than me? Maybe after another year or so laaaa. Hek hek hek~~~ XDDD
Random snap in the car.
Next stop was EC Mall. :)
Met up with Zhen and Sin Yen sis there at Food & Tea to have lunch. ^^
I simply love Sin Yen sis! ^^ ♥ you ♥ you!
And I MUST take pic with you next time. Haha. And no excuse this time!!
I love this whole day, hanging out with him. :D
We went shopping and I got myself a really nice black Roxy top. Used up RM130 for that but I just had to buy it coz it stunned me. ^^
Yes, that was the effect, it STUNNED me the moment I tried it on. :)
I'll never hesitate to buy any garments that can give me that effect. XD Though not much have succeeded. :)
And yes yes! We had watched Alice In Wonderland 3D!
The main attraction of the movie was Johnny Depp. I LOVE JOHNNY DEPP. :)
Besides, I was really curious how they could make a movie about Alice In Wonderland, since the peculiar tale that I had read about when I was just about 5 sounded too simple to be made into a movie.
I understood why after I finished it.
They used the simple tale and had woven it into a pretty interesting story about how the grown-up Alice ended up in the Wonderland again after 13 years.
She had always thought Wonderland was just a dream she had.
Now she had a mission, to slay the dragon and saved the land from the evil Red Queen.
So there the story went. :)
At first I was worried that it might be boring since AT FIRST, it was a lil bit dull, but things got exciting when she fell down into the endless hole.
Just watch it and find it out yourself.
Btw one thing I really like about the movie is there're a lot of super cute characters in it.
And the Mad Hatter, the character Johnny Depp was in the movie, was just as heart-wrenching as his previous ones. That's his charm.
Hehe... Took a pic with one of the poster.
Too bad Johnny Depp was in another poster, which was put just right at the entrance. :(((
Didn't have time to take with it. :(((
Around 7 something, I went to Starbucks to meet up with my bro.
He was still playing his online games. WOW. XD
Like after 5 hours ady. XD
Mum came but both of us have to wait for him to finish the game first. =.='''
Totally absorbed.
Tired of waiting.

Haha.. Can't think of anything better to do. XD
Woh, my legs look FAT from this angle. XD
Enjoyed the day to the most! :)
Good night!