Lol.. I've been waiting sooooo long for her homecoming so I can hang out with her again!
Trust Me. She's going to roll her eyes when she sees this post and says "What can I ever do with this girl?!" XDDDD
Teehee... Sorry dear, I guess you're stuck with me your whole life! XD
Woke up early today since my "appointment" with Ms Yingz was at 8.30am.
OMG, She got this new fringe that looked super cute! :DDDDD
I have to say fringe really suits her well! :D
Anyway fringe is great for summer, I think. ^_^ It gives off this really vital and bouncy look, don't you think? XD
I wanted to check out her pictures of her Cambodia Trip! Too bad she hadn't get them from her aunt yet.
Gee, she actually visited Angkor Wat and Tasik Tonle Sap, stuff that we had learned in our Sejarah textbook, fancy that. :DDDD
I kept asking her how the places looked like, but I guessed I really need to look at the pictures to get a clearer idea. XD Haha...
So dear, upload the pics immediately after you get them!
:DDD Her aunt got her some makeup materials! And I decided to try out the Spider Eye Look that Philene did last time! :DDD
It was really cool, and wasn't hard to achieve!
Thanks Phil babe for the inspiration! ^_^
Here's the result. XD
Pretty cool right? XDDD Added a spider next to the spider web. ^_^
It will be great for Halloween celebration. Teehee!
Besides, it's really easy to achieve too! I just used up like, a minute, to draw it? XD
Anyway I should have traced the line again to darken it, but I guessed it would do. XD
^_^ The best thing yet! She gave me my birthday present in advance! :DDDDD
Ohmigosh! :DDDD
I really love this newspaper bag! Super unique! :DDDD
XDD Posing around. XDD I loved her kitchen coz it was really bright! :D
There was an article about "Pope At Difficult Junction" on the bag.
Inside the newspaper bag, I got this super cute bright-orange bag which I wondered what was inside! :D
I opened it and squealed! :DDDD
She got me nail polishes!!!! Omgomgomg! :DDD
That was really thoughtful of her! I had never thought of buying any myself coz I had supposed that I shouldn't put on any since I would have to play violin most of the time.
But oh who cares, now I got them, I gonna use them to the fullest! hahaha!
And there's no way I can't play violin with nail polish on! XD I was soooo stupid to think so before this. XD
And she got me nail polish remover as well! :DDDD Sooooo very thoughtful! XD
I guess she can foresee me ruining my nails by scratching off my nail polishes like last time. XD So she prepared it to prevent that from happening. XD
A very unique wallet she got for herself from Cambodia! :DDDD
It was made up of recycled chunks of plastic papers cut up by local Cambodian kids! :)Really meaningful! ^_^
After spending around 2 hours at her house, we grabbed our laptops and went Sonstar Kopitiam to online.
We were like, "owh sheeettt" when we saw that it wasn't even open, and then only we got it: It is Fasting Month la dummies. =.='''
Haha... Since I was starving, we got to Kemaman Station to get some food while we watched the animated series on Yingz's lappy: Avatar - The Last Airbender.
Yingz told me that the movie version was wayyyyyyy worse than the animated series. I didn't have the chance to watch the movie version yet, but from the poster and the trailer, yea, I didn't like it much. The kid looked wayyyyy too serious for his age. That wasn't what it was supposed to be like. You'll get what I mean if you watch the animated series. XD
Fringe fringe! :DDDD I likeyyy!
I got my favourite Kemaman Station Curry Chicken Rice! Hahaha!
Yingz's lappy was a mini BenQ! :DDD
She personalized it with stickers! XDDDD Z for Zi. :)
If you observe, there are a lot of cute emoticons on the lappy! Such cute design! :D
Put my hands on the lappy to show my nails! :DDDD
I tried out the nail polishes immediately and alternately on my fingers! :DDD Love it!
Trying to advertise for mini BenQ? XD
Mom came to fetch me around 1.30pm.
A customer from Yingz's shop bought us drinks, including the Coke I was sipping in this pic. XD Check out my nail colours! :DD It's clearer in this light. xD
Reached home! XD
One of my mom's student brought this flag with him. ^_^
Hari Merdeka's coming! :DDD
Malaysia Boleh! ^_^