You guys know wat? I really hate pending posts. Coz when thousands of photos are piling up and you realise there are so many posts yet to be done, you’ll feel like “I better sleep it off”.
LOL. Anyway a blogger is a blogger. I’ll try to finish all the posts. Starting by this post which happened like 2 weeks ago! =)
The day was absolutely lovely. Sunny and cheery, completely brightened up our moods! So Miki and I decided to go to Shanghai Museum of Animation, a place that Miki had been planning to go for a long time!
A picture taken before leaving!
Took subway to reach and tadaa!
This is the entrance. =)
A very birthday-party-ish ceiling.
Super huge cage and giant rabbit.
Animation. Wall of Fame.
Behind are all china comics! =) Ancient ones.
Imitating the faces!
Very meaningful. =)
Shun Wu Kong~~~
Posing on the way~
Lovely things made of clay.
Super cute right? Characters from Three Kingdoms. ( 三国演义)See how many of them you can recognize!
The very “spaceship-like” tunnel.
A scene in the train! =DD
Moreeee pictures with the adorable decos there!
Playing a part as well. ^_^
Going on. =)
Self timer. XD
Kungfu Xixi + Kungfu Panda!
Simply love this pic.
Oh wow! I got all the super heroes behind me!

Spiderman came to the rescue!
Another superheroooooo, the Bumblebee!
We can oso can pictures of ourselves to match with the anime characters using the webcam like this!! It’s quite hard to adjust, lol!
Right beside the webcamming area is the awesome Totoro bus! Was taking this pic with a little girl suddenly appeared and shouted, “Hey, over here! Come and play with us, there’s tv here too!”
LOL!! She was sooo friendly and I could never say no to kids. =DDD
Joined the club!
With the little girl and her bro! =) Got sofas inside and oso a tv!
LOL when I saw this long-faced panda. XD
Upon leaving. Some snaps!
Haha! Wheee I’ve done one post! =))))