Owh yea btw, it's Martin's birthday today! ^_^ Went to his house to celebrate about 11.30am!
He pretty liked the Mantou I gave him. Haha.. Phew! :DDDD
Will get the group picture from him 2mr. He's too busy to send them to me today. Aha~ So yea. Some pictures from my own cam!
Before heading out. :)
♥ this bat top I got from edc a few days ago. :)
Martin's mom cooked A LOT of food for us. Really A LOT!!! We tried our best to finish it but there were just too much! So in the end, Martin suggested we played games, and the one who lost had to finish the food/do something crazy.
We played "Guess The Number", and this poor guy lost. He had to kiss Martin! OMG SWT. Haha.. Just in case you're wondering, the punishment had been decided before playing that round, so both of them couldn't say no! Ahahaha!

2nd round. Zhu Shuo lost. Haha.. He had to drink a glass of horrible mixture which was made by all of us. It contains ketchup, wasabi, soya sauce, prawn, vegetables, sweet corn, pepper and chili!
Really really pity him. He actually finished the whole thing!!! Bravo!!!
The 3rd loser was Jiang Feng.
He was asked to call the China Telekom's number and asked the service lady "how much do I have to pay you for a night?"
Zzzzz.. Very lame joke actually, but the guys insisted him to do it.
So they plugged his phone to the tv speaker, and he dialed and asked the lady. GEE.
Anyway the lady had the grace to say "I'm sorry I cannot help you. I need to answer another call. See you." XDDDDD
Jiang Feng was really afraid that his number might be banned after the call! XDDD
The cake! :)))) Yummyyyy~
Martin and the cake. lol.
We played Mafia afterwards. Quite fun guessing who were the Wolf and stuff. I was the Witch for 2 rounds consecutively and I just poison ppl and never heal them! Ahahahaa. They could never guess that was me, coz I looked too goody goody! Wahahahaha~~~
I left around 3.30pm coz had to rush home to have a brief warm up before going for the extra class at my teacher's house.
Managed to snap some pics before changing. :) You can notice the change of lighting, coz it was already around evening that time. The day gets dark around 5pm in China.