The performance in Sabah was quite good.
Though the Matinee Concert kinda sucks. T.T sob.
The stage wasn't good for us.

More pics about the room!!!

It's transparent between the bedroom and the toilet. Luckily we can put down something to shade those in toilet. XDDD

Playing with the hair drying. :))
There's bathrobe too! It was too big for me. T.T
After the concert. I didn't manage to take pics with Poh Kim and Poh Joo. So I posted the pic of Yvonne! :))
Cute Kah Yan. I took lots of pics, but they were all with Adrin. sobsob... Didn't get them yet.
Love dis pic!!! With our respectable conductor, Mr Kevin Field!
Managed to get a pic with Poh Joo~~~ From Right: Jessica, Amy, Yvonne, Poh Joo, Me and Dylan.
We made some appreciation cards for Norman, Audrey, Puan Juni, Stage Crew, DFP staff, Poh Joo and of course Mr Kevin!! Everybody signed on the cards as a token of gratitude towards these great people. :))
For Norman and Audrey. ^^ Thanks for taking care of us and making everything smooth and ready for us!!!! Uncle Norman and Sister Audrey, I will love you two always!!! *Dear Audrey, hehe.. I know you hate ppl to call u Auntie, so I'm calling you sister! XDDD*
Next, Thanks to Puan Juni. Without you, we will not have the money to go on the tour. Thanks for everything and thanks for the support!!!!! :)))
The cute DFP staffs! Thanks for joining us and cheer us up with all your cute and warm gestures. :))
Didn't get the pic of Poh Joo. Lastly, of coz, MR KEVIN!!!
We all really respect and love you whole-heartedly. :)
Thanks for being serious, funny, fatherly...
Thanks for being such a good mentor for everyone of us.
Sorry for making u disappointed sometimes.
We will try our best to perform our best!!
We love you!!! :)
Mr Kevin gave a speech and that speech kinda made me feel like crying. X.x
Some members will leave next season.
Kevin said that we will always be the founding members of MPYO.
And I know that we will never be together the same like before, new people will join and things will change.
I guess I have to accept it and look at it in a brighter view. :)
I'm proud to be in MPYO. :)))
It's the end of the tour. :'((