Omg. So sorry for the super late update, coz I was having an awfully freakily horribly sucky line. :(((
Anyway here you are! :D
Long post with pictures again! :DDDD
We celebrated Kah Win's 19th birthday last Thursday at My One Station!
Since my 3 babes were not in Kemaman, I drew a card for Kah Win on behalf of the 4 of us! :DDD
Funny Elvis Presley's style! LOL... Used around 2 hours to finish the card, I had gone a lil bit rusty in drawing. T.T
Anyway here you are! :D
Long post with pictures again! :DDDD
We celebrated Kah Win's 19th birthday last Thursday at My One Station!
Since my 3 babes were not in Kemaman, I drew a card for Kah Win on behalf of the 4 of us! :DDD
Funny Elvis Presley's style! LOL... Used around 2 hours to finish the card, I had gone a lil bit rusty in drawing. T.T
The aforethought party should be starting at 9pm, but until everyone got there, it was already 10 something. LOL.
There was no cake, much to my astonishment, so we immediately went to Eng's Cake House to get one before Kah Win arrived. XD
We got him a Pandan Kaya cake, light green in colour, suited him to the most! LOL.
Looked at his teary-eyed look. XDD
And he liked the card! Phew! Luckily! LOL. XDD

A series of his pictures taken while he was making wishes and telling us what he had wished for. XD
A series of his pictures taken while he was making wishes and telling us what he had wished for. XD
We prepared the type of candles that could never be blown out!!
He evidently played the same trick before on somebody else, coz he immediately recognised the candles, and wagged his finger at us. XDDD
Anyway, he still tried his best to blow all of them out and succeeded! XDD
The whole cafe was smoky after he finished "decimated" all of the candles! XD
Check the last picture. ^_^

The boss at the cafe was definitely friendly and adorable. XD
The boss at the cafe was definitely friendly and adorable. XD
He attended to all our needs and took group pictures for us too! :DDD
It was my first time here, and the great service definitely made me eager to come here again! :D
He was ordered by everyone to get the candle out using his teeth. XD Someone made the job harder by pushing the candle deeper into the cake with just a little head popping out on the surface! Haha..
Anyway he managed it. XDD
A super creamy-faced Kah Win. HAHAHA!
OMG They really did kissed!!! XDDD They were just posing for pictures but someone pushed them and........ yea. LOL!
The birthday boy volunteered to be the photographer. HAHAHA.
That was a picture of........ Okay I'm not going to tell. XDDD
Don't believe what you see, ppl! XDDD He was actually standing on tiptoe! XD
Ahahaa.. I was standing a step lower, that's why. XDDDDD
Kah Win & Chin Lin! :DDD His 7th wife? XDD
I learned that the best way to take their CLEAR picture was to press the camera BEFORE the count of 3. Coz they always move last minute. LOL.
Me and Adeline babe! :D
+ Kah win & Han Sian. XDD
I was honoured to be birthday boy's photographer that night.
His picture with the guys! XD
After the crazy party full of cream on faces and chasing-arounds, we went to the beach for games! XDDD
At the beach! Pictures!!