Click HEARTY PAWS to watch this movie. :)
I cried the whole afternoon after I watch this.
I am a crying baby I admit, but it's not often that I will cry so hard over a movie.
I can always reassure myself that it's fake, it's all an act to win you over.
Too bad I can't do that when I'm watching this movie.
I can't assure myself that a dog can fake that much.
It's a dog, not a human.
Human can be a hypocrite, a shammer, or an oscar-winning actor/actress, but how can you expect a dog to be that shrewd/calculative?
Maybe you can train it to fake dying, but all its expressions and feelings are true.
It's not going to go to you when it doesn't like you.
Dogs are just like children, they're pure and true, and they totally win me over.
Dog lovers out there, never miss this movie.
And those who appreciate truly amazing movie, just click on the link and watch it.
11 years old Chan Yi stole a puppy from someone's house as a birthday present for his 6 years old sister, Su Yi.
Their daddy had passed away long time ago and their mother left them to earn money, and she never came back.
So Chan Yi and Su Yi lived together, sharing the ups and downs in life with the stolen labrador.
They loved each other and had a happy time until the death of Su Yi.
Chan Yi blamed everything on the dog, he couldn't stand the sight of her, coz he would think about his sister.
He left the house and the dog, all alone.
And there began a journey where the loyal dog search for her owner, saving him from troubles and eventually, died for him.
The once happy trio.
I cried the whole afternoon after I watch this.
I am a crying baby I admit, but it's not often that I will cry so hard over a movie.
I can always reassure myself that it's fake, it's all an act to win you over.
Too bad I can't do that when I'm watching this movie.
I can't assure myself that a dog can fake that much.
It's a dog, not a human.
Human can be a hypocrite, a shammer, or an oscar-winning actor/actress, but how can you expect a dog to be that shrewd/calculative?
Maybe you can train it to fake dying, but all its expressions and feelings are true.
It's not going to go to you when it doesn't like you.
Dogs are just like children, they're pure and true, and they totally win me over.
Dog lovers out there, never miss this movie.
And those who appreciate truly amazing movie, just click on the link and watch it.
11 years old Chan Yi stole a puppy from someone's house as a birthday present for his 6 years old sister, Su Yi.
Their daddy had passed away long time ago and their mother left them to earn money, and she never came back.
So Chan Yi and Su Yi lived together, sharing the ups and downs in life with the stolen labrador.
They loved each other and had a happy time until the death of Su Yi.
Chan Yi blamed everything on the dog, he couldn't stand the sight of her, coz he would think about his sister.
He left the house and the dog, all alone.
And there began a journey where the loyal dog search for her owner, saving him from troubles and eventually, died for him.
The once happy trio.

Su Yi always waits for her brother at this little bus stop with the dog.
They play together and you just gonna laugh when they do. :D
They play together and you just gonna laugh when they do. :D

The adorably heart-breaking siblings with the dog.

I love this. :)

It melts my heart.
I watched it a 2nd time just now, and it still makes me cry. :'(((
Do spend some time to watch it peeps.
It's just 1 hour and a half, it putrifies your heart. :)
Good night ppl..