Lol. Yea ppl, I got a new phone. Glad to have it. Not a super expensive one la. I love it though.
So now I can take pictures whenever I want!!!!!
My friends turned out to be my victims! Haha...
Thanks Yong Wei, Kelvin and Jee Jung for taking pictures with me! :DDD
[ps: you guys can straightaway take the pictures from my blog okay? Just click it to enlarge! ^^ I'm lazy to upload it in facebook la. Thanks guys!]
Me and Yong Wei! ^^

I took the most pictures with Kelvin. Coz we were POSERS. :DDDD
You'll understand wat I mean when you keep looking down. XD
Haha. Kelvin's mouth kept on "senget" to the right. XDDDD

I acted like I was bullying him. First shot.
Lol. 2nd Shot! I love this shot! My face somehow magically "senget" ady! I dunno how I did that. And Kelvin's espression was superbly pitiful. XDDDD
What are we looking at? Why look so shocked?

I laughed so much and my hair got kinda messy when I took pics with Jee Jung. So sorry I know I didn't look Okay in the pic below. XD
Me and Xin Yi. She's soooooo cute, yet really CHEEKY. XD Love her a lot!

Love this shot.

She was super cute when she grinned like that!

Hoh! Scary!


Lol. This one is another cheeky boy - Aiman.


Lots of credits for all my "victims" above! Muahahahahaa!
I love my new phone. XD