From 17th to 19th July 2009, there was a
Music Carnival in
EC Mall, organised by Khoo Academy. ^^
It was a stage for the music students to show their talents and boost their confidence, and to create classical music awareness to the public. :D
The students may not be professionals but at least ppl will still stop by and listen, dat's a very good thing.
As one of the staff, I helped to check out the recitals and students' attendances. It was pretty hectic, and some mistakes did happened, anyway, they were solved nonetheless. :DD
XZ and HS finally turned up. ^^ And they did a great job at performing.
A very touching thing was, they bought me farewell presents which I'll show in the next post. :)
Thanks guys!
Since I had promised, and since
Sushi King was sooooooooooo not my type, I chose
Black Canyon. Lol.
I ordered Strawberry Delight and a plate of noodles while HS and XZ ordered Chicken Rice. :D
HS showed me the BMW 2.5 series parked right outside Black Canyon. [or was it Mercedes-Benz?? =.=!!!]

Take my pic?! =.=!!!

Haha.. Their Chicken Rice. See the hotdogs, like octopuses! ^^

Don't talk when you eat! Haha.

Too late. ^^ I already took your pic. XDDD Nice pose anyway, HS.

XZ's here finally. He went to buy MJ's book just now. Lol. Both of us looked a bit weird in dis pic, it was pretty blurry. XD

I like the backdrop. ^^

Here's Eunice~ ^^ She did a great job too!!! :)))))

We worked and rehearsed until 12am on Friday.
OMG, I could feel all those energy slipping away from me, and my feet were so sore coz I walked for the whole day without sitting down much. XDD I slumped down and slept like a dead ppl right after I got to my teacher's house. XD
Alright, so it was
Saturday.Another hectic day, but at least I could go home around 4pm. ^^
At 3pm, I went to visit
Zenard and Calvin! ^^
I met Zenard in EC Mall on Friday, he was running an errand. :)))
He was working in a Sushi Shop now, while waiting for his school reopen.
The shop was pretty close to EC Mall, so we walked there. ^^
It was called
红茶馆 in Chinese. Quite a famous eating place!
And I heard the sushi there is even
better than those in Sushi King!
Zenard and Calvin were soooooooooo expertised in chopping chickens and slicing vegetables that I felt ashamed myself. x.x
I don't really know how to cook. XDDD Ahahaha.. paiseh...
^^ Their boss was very friendly and nice, his name was John btw.
So here're our pics!
Me and Zenard. He looked like a typical Japanese here, in his Japanese-style working outfit. ^^

And with Calvin bro! ^^

Got dis pic from Zenard, a SUSHI CAKE made by John! OMG. It looks GREAT! XDD
Have you ever see a SUSHI CAKE???

I would like to do some promotion. ^^ Feel free to eat at Heiwa Sushi!
Guaranteed delicious! ^^

Lol. The rest you guys have to wait for Zenard to blog. He was too busy to do anyway. XDDDD
His working life was pretty special and funny at times too! ^^
Can't wait to read about it. :DDD

The last picture of the day with Alyssa!!! Haha!!!
She said she loved taking pics with me, coz we were of the same height! So she didn't need to lower herself to match me! ^^
It was a
SUPER DUPER TIRING DAY, but a fulfilling one!