I'm BACK peeps! haha.. still not tired of saying the same thing every time. ^^
I just kept asking the same questions to all my acquaintances, friends, relatives and strangers. Yahahaha..
Okay the
stranger part is just kidding.
"Do you miss me??????""Still remember me???'And I asked the questions in a very
China-ish way. Hahaha...
The responses I got were pretty interesting.
Most of them say
"YESSSS~ I miss you~~~~"Some of them say
"No, I dun miss you~ XD"and my youngest 5-yr-old cousin just stared at me blank-eyed and said,
"Who's this?" =.='''
LOL.owh yea owh yea, that's a bit far off.
Now get back to my
KLCC outing. Wheee~~~
I had been trying to update about it days ago but my streamyx
SUCKS!It's totally a far cry compared to Shanghai's internet.
Shanghai's net
never disconnect,
never slow down and
never break down.
And my
"beloved" Streamyx disconnects every
3 minutes, slows down like a sleepy tortoise and breaks down every day!
Alright I sway from the main topic again. Sorry ppl, I always get carried away. Too hyper nowadays. Lol.
So I went to
KLCC 3 days ago. ^^ Called my friends out to meet and
first thing first, get a pair of new slippers from
NOSE. :)
Love it lots.
Jacky was the first to arrive. ^^ Miss him yayaya~ He was still the same old
bloody Jacky. Wahaha..
We went up to DFP's office to look for
Audrey, and when we were talking to the guard right outside the office, we met
Mr Kevin Field!
:) He still remember me. I was so happy, and we chatted for a while. ^^ He wished me luck in Shanghai and told me Audrey was on her leave. I missed his conducting and I missed
MPYO sooo much! And too bad Audrey wasn't there that day, I wanted to meet her really badly. T.T
So here're me and Jacky. ^^

And Woei Sim got there around two. :) My best friend in
MPYO. ^^
She didn't change much too, still adorable as always. ^^
I MISSED YOUR MUM'S HOMEMADE FRUIT TARTS!!!! T.TI wanna eat. I wanna eat. I wanna eat.
Jacky got something to do so he left us around 2.15pm.
And then
Eben joined us! ^^ Miss him~~~ Haha.. he was always funny and silly.
We were thinking about what to do, I had finished shopping hours before I met them. I reached
KLCC around
11am you see. Lol. So I got tired of shopping.
So we went to
Dessert's Bar to get something nice.
Woei Sim and I got each of ourselves a nice Grape Parfait. ^^

And here's Eben's Brownie Tiramisu.
I hope I didn't get dat wrong. XD
Need to refresh my memory. ^^

randommm snapshot. ^^ like it lots~

haha.. This was the 2nd take. I complained about how serious he looked in the first pic, so this was what happened. XD
The Jolly Eben! ^^

I was busy posing and he was busy kacau-ing. LOL.

Okay I swear I wasn't that childish.
Just we saw a guy taking pics on the toy machine so Eben challenged me to take pics there too.
Come on, it's not dat hard. ^^
See Yingz trying to capture me from the back.

and there's Eben snapping away. :)

I'm KIDDIE. :)

And afterwards, Woei Sim wanna look for something for her friend's birthday. :) We ended up in a gift shop. Then something came to my mind.
Yue's birthday would be 2 days more to go!
So Yingz suggested to make a card rightaway with all the lil embellishments in the shop. ^^

random pose. XD


Then we went straight to A&W to start making the card.
4 ppl sharing a glass of A&W float beer.
Eh is it float beer? =.=''
Eben was forced to help us to stick the cute things onto the card. :)
He had a hard time with the UHU glue. ^^
And he swore he won't come out again if I were to ask him to help making birthday cards.
I know he's just kidding. Coz Eben's NICE NICE NICE! Right? ^^
This is the end product. ^^

and the inside. :)

Woei Sim and Eben left around 5 something. XD
and my meet ups continued with my
91 G!
The KL troop. :)
Chia Ying and Sin Yue met us up, then Chia Ying and Yingz said they wanna go toilet and I brought Yue to
Secret Recipe.:) Actually CY and Yingz were busy signing for the birthday card inside the toilet. Haha..
Owh maybe not in the toilet, I'm not sure. XD
So we ordered first.
Here's Yue's.

And mine. :) This pic is too serious.

another one..

blink blink~ xD

So CY and Yingz came back from their "fake toilet trip".

I totally love CY's phone. It catches my highlights! ^^
And it's 3.2 mega pixels. ^^

Yue's so surprised when we gave her the b'day cake! Though it's just a piece of cake. ^^ LOL.
It's Tiramisu~

The present-giving ceremony. ^^

Hwahaha.. Here's the present we got for Yue. A ladybird with magnetic hands and legs. ^^

Wheee. I'm holding the MY birthday present from Yue!!!!
Totally love it~ will update it in next post!

Wishing wishing~~ :)

blowing out candles~~~ ^^

Then Kiang and his gang joined us. :)
See how he blinked when we took pics. ^^

Yay yay~ My cute handsome cousin = Chern. Why he's so fair. GRR.

Ahaha.. Wei's eyes totally disappear when he smiles. XD

Haha.. and some random shots!!!
The stealing-food habit continues even though it has been so long. :)
Poor Yingz.

CY and SY listening tentatively to me. XD
Why so serious?

Haha.. good, they laughed. ^^

hehehe.. this is really random. and love my edit. XD

Yingz! :) wuahahah..

Yue trying to show Wei's funny fringe that day. :)

look at his fringe. XD owh yea I added those glasses. ^^

And I added the hats. XD Just for fun~

1st pic, the guys are smiling at the camera.

2nd pic, only girls are smiling towards the camera~ Guys are getting tired~

Around 8pm, my bro joined!! Yayyyy~ It has been a super duper long time I haven't see him!!!! :)
Zhen Wei treated everyone a McD's sundae, and Yingz and I had a special one. ^^
Thanks Zhen Wei!!!
My bro and I!

While eating the ice creams, we went to Kinokuniya. :)
snapshots again~

Lol. That were all I guess. :)