I've to apply sunblock everyday to protect myself from the malicious UV rays.
Despite the abundance of sunlight, the weather is still amazingly delightful. :)
Exactly the way I love it, sunny and windy. :D Perfect.
Finally I can wear shorts and flip flops out! Wheee~
Got reaaaaally tired of long skinny jeans throughout winter.
Just suddenly thought of taking pics with my shades.
Had been desolating it for quite some time.
I'm still not used to wearing it out yet. XD
I prefer to put it on my head rather than wearing it, coz it feels super LALAT. Hahaha..
And I kinda HATE LALAT. :D
Just wanna get my flip flops in. :D
Dear Ebby tagged me in a wallpost today. Haha....
Is my face that funny????
Thanks dear btw! Blogging rocks! Lol~

Gonna collaborate with my piano teacher tomorrow. Will be working on Bruch Concerto and another Chinese piece. *nervous*
Will sleep earlier today and practise early in the morning before meeting her. Tataaa~