Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I'm wishing for a great christmas and awesome birthday! Will my wishes come true???
Practising Rode now. It isn't hard, just need to make sure the intonation is perfect and ensure the music connects. However it doesn't mean it will not consume a lot of time and energy to get them right!
I gonna go practise again! :) Bye!!
Bad Luck.
I was clicking something and "peep!" it simply blacked out, like a lamp that was suddenly switched off.
I was horrified, so was Miki, who was practising singing behind me.
We tried to restart the lappy by taking out the battery or charger and it just repeatedly blacking out! ='(
So my lappy is officially dead now.
Using Miki's lappy to get online now. Her keyboard is totally different than mine. Despite the alphabets are still in their own places, all the symbols like \^-[@:/?.> these are scattered everywhere, totally confusing. O.o
Anyway, at least I can online. Hmm... Had a bad sleep yesterday night, bad dreams and puffy eyes. :(( Gonna sleep earlier tonight!
Accompanied Miki to get a dress for her singing performance coming up in December. I don't think the dress is worthed the price, but well, it's that costly in Shanghai. Unless we can go Su Zhou, there is a whole street selling performance dresses there. Very reasonable and thousands of design and quality to choose from!
I hope my lappy will get alive soon! See you guys then!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Move On.
There are a lot of things that are already so clear but I just subconsciously reject to admit it, instead I find another way to coax myself.
Someone who really loves you, will love you more than himself.
I always thought love is that way:
There'll be quarrels, definitely. We should always tolerate one another and solve problems together. If you really love someone, you should always bear with him or apologise to him.
However I'm so so wrong. I always apologise even when I'm not wrong, even when I'm really hurt.
I have to wake up now. Sacrifices have to be made if I want to be happy.
Now I just want to enjoy my student life to the fullest! :DDD
Sunday, November 28, 2010
How Long Has It Been?
Like superrr long time ago. :D
Just feel like posting this today before sleeping! So have a good laugh peeps! ^_^
I can't help laughing at this pic. XD

Can you see anything special in this pic? :D Just see penguins??? Look closer! Haha.. RIGHT! On the bottom right, a seal is trying to get attention! :DDD

Hmm... I haven't done my assignment yet... I don't know how to do it.

Mommy, I know I'm on diet, but can I please at least have a slice of meat?

Sob... Amy rejected me today. :'(

Hey, see the new coat I bought, nice?

Ppl says cute babies will be ended up ugly when they grow up.
A Place In Your Reverie. ♥
Totally rushed all the way there this afternoon, jumped into a cab and told the cab driver the address I got from my friend.
The address said "Moller Villa Hotel" and this was EXACTLY what I saw when I got down from the cab. (Pictures from google. Pardon me, I didn't take much pictures today due to the rush. Sorry guys.)

It blew me away, the sight of this magnificent building that should only exist in fairytale. I didn't even know something like this exist in Shanghai!
You guys can click HERE if you want to know more. :)

The awesome night view! I'm totally spell-bounded.

And not forgotten, some interiors to show!

According to the resources, it was built in year 1936 and known as the Moller Residence in a composite style of Norwegian and Oriental architectures. :)
The best thing? It's actually just a few turns from my place! And I friggin' know nothing about it! Argh!! I'll pay a visit there soon. I hope. :D
Finally, pictures from my camera, which is pitifully little in sum.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Not A Salesgirl This Time.
This time I'm not working as the salesgirl but play the violin instead. :DDD
I really love the gig venue this time! The Business Park Club, very very classy and cosy place! The weather was fine today, so the sun shone in and made everything looked cheery! :DDD
I reached early so I helped with the arrangement of the products since I had experience of it last time.
Got to know a very very dolly sister, Sandy, who was there helping as well! :DD
I seemed to be having 1 leg in this pic. SCARY. XD
Can you believe that she's 27 this year? I thought she's just 21! :DDD
Very bright and pollyannaish dining place. :)
The event started aroun 1pm something. I changed into my black dress and started playing while Sandy snapped pictures of me. :) Thanks dear!
The weather suddenly turned cold so I wore my batty jacket. XD There was this cute little 5-years-old Korean girl that came and started chatting with me. She spoke perfect Chinese and the way she talked was just like an old woman, so mature omg! XDDD She kept on trying to pluck my violin strings and I was like "NOOOOO THAT'S MY TEACHER'S VIOLIN!!!" Luckily my bosslady came over and helped me to stop her. T.T
Concert 26/11/2010.
He founded it this year and today was their debut performance! :)
I bought a bouquet of white roses for the concert! I actually feel reluctant to give it coz I love it too much! :DDD It was handpicked by me and I loveeeeeee white roses!
Miki and the roses~
I love it I love it I love it! ♥ ♥ ♥
Before starting!
End of concert, pictures! :DDD Here's Martin!